Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023

Part 2. Application Review Procedures 2.5 Procedures for Flexibility, Variances, and Appeals

Transportation Impact Analysis


• A Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) is required when one or more of the thresholds in Section 5.8.6.A is met. • A TIA is reviewed by Town staff and a third-party consultant. The applicant is responsible for the cost of the review by the third-party consultant. • A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is required to be signed by the applicant and Town prior to work beginning on the TIA. Review Procedures • The applicant will submit a request for a MOU through the online application portal. This submittal will generally include a set of assumptions to be used for the TIA, including trip generation, trip distribution, study area and build-out timeframe for the development. Town staff will have 2 weeks to coordinate with the third-party reviewer to review the assumptions and either provide corrections or the MOU to the applicant. • Once the applicant is notified that corrections are required or the MOU is ready to sign, the applicant shall resubmit the corrected assumptions or signed MOU through the online application portal. Once staff receives the signed MOU, staff will sign or stamp the MOU and the applicant will receive a notification that the MOU is completed. • The TIA and supporting information are also submitted through the online application portal. Any Synchro files associated with a TIA must also be emailed to the staff contact on the MOU. Following acceptance of the TIA for review, staff and the third-party reviewer will follow the standard site plan review process and timeline for review. • Within approximately 30 days of receiving comments on the TIA from the third-party reviewer, an invoice for that review will be uploaded to the online application portal. The third-party reviewer invoice must be paid through the online application portal prior to additional reviews or approval of the TIA. A TIA must be approved before receiving approval of an associated Site Plan.

• See Section 4.10 of the UDO Administration Manual for TIA Content and Standards.

2.5. PROCEDURES FOR FLEXIBILITY, VARIANCES, AND APPEALS Some development projects might be beneficial to the community but may not be accommodated by current zoning and strict application of current development standards to existing lot patterns. Recognizing this, the UDO offers “flexibility” through the supplemental procedures described in this part, which may precede or occur concurrently with the basic development review procedures.

Administrative Adjustment

The Administrative Adjustment procedure is intended to provide a simple way to allow minor deviations, or adjustments, of one or more of the UDO’s dimensional or quantitative standards. The administrative adjustment cannot be used to circumvent a requirement in order to maximize the development potential. The request must fall within specific limitations set forth in the UDO.

Things to Know ▪

A request must be submitted and reviewed concurrently with site plan, preliminary subdivision, construction plan, sign permit, building permit, or certificate of compliance/occupancy. ▪ Approval of an Administrative Adjustment expires if the associated application is denied or if approval of the concurrently reviewed application expires, revoked, or otherwise becomes invalid.

Morrisville, NC

July 2023 Page 2-19

Administrative Manual

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