Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023

Part 3. Outside Agency Permits and Approvals 3.1 Local Agency and Utility Approvals

PART 3. OUTSIDE AGENCY PERMITS AND APPROVALS Although the Town has primary responsibility for regulating land development within its jurisdiction, a number of aspects of development are also subject to regulation by outside agencies, including State government agencies, county agencies, or entities providing utilities. 3.1. LOCAL AGENCY AND UTILITY APPROVALS The Town relies on Wake County’s erosion and sedimentation control regulations to ensure compliance with the State’s Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. Those regulations are found in Article 10, Erosion and Sedimentation Control, of the Wake County Unified Development Code. They require approval of an erosion and sedimentation control plan and a land disturbance permit by the County Department of Environmental Services before any land disturbing activity that will disturb more than one acre or that needs sediment control measures to protect against off-site damages. Although Wake County administers review procedures relevant to such approvals, Town staff conducts routine inspections of local land disturbing activities to help ensure compliance with the County erosion and sedimentation control regulations. Town staff reports any potential problems at construction sites subject to erosion and sedimentation control plans and land disturbance permits to the Wake County Department of Environmental Services and monitors and documents any follow-up actions. Wake County Erosion and Sedimentation Control Regulations

Wake County Road Name Approvals

All new public or private road names shall be approved by Wake County. To obtain forms and road naming guidelines, visit Wake County Planning Department’s webpage.

Town of Cary Water and Sewer Approvals

Water and sewer services in Morrisville are maintained and operated by the Town of Cary. Thus, all requests to tap or extend water and sewer lines must be submitted to the Town of Morrisville for review, and approval by the Town of Cary in conjunction with Town review of applications. Applicants for Town development approvals should therefore contact the Town of Cary as soon as possible in the development review process to determine the extent of the Water Resources Department’s review and re quirements.

Other Utilities

Duke Energy

• Duke Energy provides electricity to Morrisville. A developer contacts Duke Energy to request electrical service to a new development and meets with a Duke Energy Progress engineer to discuss the development ’s electrical needs. Duke Energy Progress installs the cable and transformers needed to serve the development. PSNC Energy • PSNC Energy provides natural gas services in Morrisville. Its builder representatives work with developers to review permit requirements and procedures, review site plans and design appropriate underground facilities, and help coordinate the developer’s installation of facilities. Telecommunication Services • AT&T, CenturyLink, Time Warner Cable, Google, and Verizon are the primary providers of telecommunications services. Contact them for more information about installing telephone, cable television, and broadband internet lines.

Morrisville, NC

August 7, 2023

Administrative Manual

Page 3-1

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