Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023
Part 4. Appendices 4.1 Town Documents Related to Land Development
Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Plan
The 2021 Land Use Plan seeks to capitalize on Morrisville’s strong population growth and its advantageous location in the heart of the Triangle, while maintaining the town’s unique character and high quality of life. It directs commercial, office, and high-density residential development into mixed-use activity centers The plan integrates transportation by linking land uses and transportation facilities to provide opportunities for walking, biking, or driving. It also promotes the establishment of transit-oriented development around planned bus and rail routes through the town. Future development will respect environmental assets, support diverse and affordable housing choices, and promote job growth and creation in Morrisville. Click on the image to open the Plan.
Transportation Plan
The Comprehensive Transportation Plan prioritizes connectivity (providing multiple, redundant routes between origins and destinations) and the provision of alternative travel modes (bus, bike, walk, and rail) to decrease dependence on car trips. It recommends the widening of NC 54 to accommodate high traffic volumes while promoting bicycle and pedestrian facilities and direct connections between complementary land uses. The plan also includes design standards for a hierarchy of roadways, as well as for transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities. Promoting transit-oriented development is also important to the plan. Click on the image to open the Plan.
McCrimmon Extension Guidance Report
In 2012, the Town adopted the McCrimmon Extension Guidance Report. The purpose of the report is to provide guidance on land uses and development standards in the area of Morrisville through which McCrimmon Parkway will be extended. This guidance was used to help prepare Morrisville’s new Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) so that the UDO would enable the types of development desired by landowners, neighbors and Town leaders. Click on the image to open the report.
McCrimmon Transit Small Area Plan
The 2014 McCrimmon Transit Small Area Plan describes a vision, goals, objectives, and implementation steps for supporting appropriate transit-oriented development around the intersection of McCrimmon Parkway and NC 54. It serves as the Town’s official poli cy guidance on how land should be used in this part of the community and how new development can be effectively integrated with nearby transportation facilities. It is intended to maximize the benefits from new transit service in the region, support economic development, provide workforce housing, and create a new transportation and lifestyle option for local residents. Click on the image to open the Plan. The 2011 Parks and Recreation Master Plan updates the 2006 Parks, Recreation, Greenways and Open Space Comprehensive Master Plan to place greater emphasis in the Town’s greenways system. It serves as a detailed planning guide to: existing community resources; parks, recreation, and open space criteria; and needs for parks, recreation, greenways, and conservation lands. The Plan identifies the locations of existing facilities and opportunities to acquire additional property for future recreation sites. Click on the image to open the Plan. Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Hazard Mitigation Plan
Morrisville, NC
August 7, 2023
Administrative Manual
Page 4-6
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