Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023
Part 4. Appendices 4.5 Checklists
Concurrent Construction and Site Plan Approval (use this checklist for combined review applications)
For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “n/a” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “w” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations.
Staff Use Only
√, n/a, or w
√, n/a, or w
Application Submittal Requirement
16 Location and width of minimum setbacks 17 Location and width of minimum and maximum build-to lines 18 Location and dimensions of proposed dumpster, recycling container, and/or trash compactor(s) 19 Location and dimensions of proposed hotboxes, HVAC units, and other on ground/free standing mechanical equipment
20 Number of parking spaces per row 21 Width and depth of parking bays 22 Location and dimensions of accessible parking spaces 23 Width of drive aisle(s) 24 Pedestrian walkways or landscaped dividers 25 Location of loading area with dimensions 26 Turning radius at entrances and traffic islands
27 Location, width, and type of each riparian buffer encroaching within the site measured from the top of the stream bank 28 Location and width of fire lane 29 Length of fire access roadway(s) with any required turnarounds 30 An “*” on each lot indicating that the lot, or a portion of the lot, is located within a designated FEMA floodplain with a corresponding note referencing Section 5.6, Floodplain Management, of the UDO and the corresponding requirements F Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Public Road Improvement Infrastructure Plan 1 Property lines distinctly and accurately represented 2 Location, length, and width of bicycle parking 4 Location, width, and material of sidewalk(s), greenway(s), and crosswalk(s) 5 Detail(s) of crosswalk(s), pedestrian havens, and pedestrian push button signals 6 Pedestrian, bicycle, and greenway infrastructure on adjacent parcels within 500 feet of the site 7 Proposed public road improvement and associated cross sections from the Comprehensive Transportation Plan 8 Payment in lieu calculations and associated exhibits 9 Proposed NCDOT road improvement shown in the current State Transportation Improvement Plan overlaid on the development site to ensure required development standards conflict with imminent road widening projects G Grading and Drainage Plan 1 An overall drainage and grading plan shall be provided showing existing and proposed contours. 1% minimum slope impervious areas, 2% minimum slope pervious areas. 2 Stormwater Layout Design • Location and dimensions of pipes, culverts, and other storm drain system elements • Stormwater Table- drainage structure ID, rim/grate, pipe diameter, material, slope, inlet and outlet inverts, structure type, drainage area and flow into the pipe structure • Public drainage easements for all pipes collecting water from public right-of-ways • Any extensions of storm drain outfalls across adjoining property and any private drainage easements needed to ensure discharge into natural watercourse 3 Stormwater Quality/Quantity Best Management Practices (BMPs) • Each BMP shall be on an individual plan sheet with associated BMP specific plan & profile/section views, and all applicable construction details • Include a table of pertinent design parameters with columns indicating Existing/Required, Design/Provided, and As-Built columns including, but not limited to: • Drainage Area (sf)
• Surface Area of BMP (sf) (per BMP Manual requirements) • Land use Areas (sf) (Impervious, Open Space, Woodlands, etc.) • Design Storm Flows (Q1, Q2, Q10, Q25 & Q100) • Design Storm Water Surface Elevations
Morrisville, NC
August 7, 2023
Administrative Manual
Page 19
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