Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023
Part 4. Appendices 4.5 Checklists
Concurrent Construction and Site Plan Approval (use this checklist for combined review applications)
For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “n/a” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “w” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations.
Staff Use Only
√, n/a, or w
√, n/a, or w
Application Submittal Requirement
15 Demonstrate façade walls have no less than three of the following: color change; texture change; material change; or an expression of architectural or structural bays through a change in plane no less than 12 inches in width. Provide the following table on each applicable elevation sheet demonstrating compliance with ground floor features along no less than 60% of the horizontal length of the wall. A table is required for each side of the building(s) adjacent to a public r/w.
Total horizontal length of the wall: ______________ lf Horizontal length of the (add feature): ______________ lf Horizontal length of the (add feature): ______________ lf (examples of features: windows, awnings) Total horizontal length of all features: ______________ lf =_______% of the wall
Provide the following table on the elevation sheet(s) demonstrating compliance with 50% of the ground floor and 20% of the upper floor(s) horizontal length requirement. A table is required for each side of the building(s) adjacent to public r/w and private roads
Total Horizontal Length of Wall:
______________ lf
Total Horizontal Length of Windows and Glass on the Ground Floor(s): Total Horizontal Length of Windows and Glass on the Upper Floor(s):
______________ lf = ____% of Wall
______________ lf = ____% of Wall
Provide the following table on the elevation sheet(s) demonstrating compliance with 35% of the ground floor and 20% of the upper floor(s) horizontal length requirement for other non-residential uses. A table is required for each side of the building(s) adjacent to public r/w and private roads
Total Horizontal Length of Wall:
______________ lf
Total Horizontal Length of Windows and Glass on the Ground Floor(s): Total Horizontal Length of Windows and Glass on the Upper Floor(s):
______________ lf = ____% of Wall
______________ lf = ____% of Wall
Provide the following table on the elevation sheet(s) demonstrating compliance with 60% of the vertical height of the ground floor requirement. A table is required for each side of the building(s) adjacent to public r/w and private roads
Total Vertical Height of Ground Floor Wall: ______________ lf Total Vertical Height of Windows:
______________ lf = ____% of Wall
20 Add note stating that the ground floor windows comply with one of the following: 1) direct views to the building’s interior, 2) direct views to lit display areas extending a minimum of three feet behind the window, or 3) tinted to provide the appearance of a window. 21 Demonstrate compliance with the clearly defined entryway requirement. 22 Demonstrate that all proposed parapet walls extend around the perimeter of the roofline and include a three-dimensional cornice treatment. 23 Demonstrate that parapets do not exceed 1/3 the height of the supporting wall unless the parapet is in scale with the building and development.
Add the following notes: Fascia signs require separate approval. Any signs proposed are for illustrative purposes only.
25 Add the following note: Prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy, a certification from the manufacturer of correct installation of all EIFS shall be provided to the Town Planning Department. 26 Location and dimensions of proposed dumpster, recycling container, and/or trash compactor(s) 27 General location of future signage R Stormwater Report
Morrisville, NC
August 7, 2023
Administrative Manual
Page 26
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