Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual - May 2020
Part 4. Appendices 4.5 Checklists
Construction Plan Approval for Infrastructure Projects
Construction Plan Approval for Infrastructure Projects Submittal Checklist For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “n/a” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “w” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations. Staff Use Only √, n/a, or w Application Submittal Requirement √, n/a, or w A Documents to be Submitted Electronically via Customer Self Service Online Portal 1 Set of plans – 24"x36" 2 Elevation and bench-marks referenced to National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) 3 Request for No Practical Alternatives Determination / Request for Buffer Authorization (for any proposed impacts to riparian buffers) 4 Copy of all stream determinations & signed JDs (jurisdictional determinations) 5 No Rise flood study, copy of any CLOMR or LOMR, & Elevation Certificate 6 Bound stormwater report 7 Road name approval from Wake County B Base Information for Each Plan Sheet 1 Name, address, and telephone number of Engineer, Architect, or Landscape Architect licensed in the State of North Carolina responsible for the plans 2 Date of drawing preparation and all revision dates 3 Sheet number and title 4 North arrow (except detail and elevation sheets) 5 The scale of the drawings listed in feet per inch in both graphic and numeric scale. Engineering scale no smaller than 1” = 25’ and larger than 1” = 100’ is recommended (except detail & elevation sheets) 6 Seal and signature of Registered Design Professional registered in the State of North Carolina 7 Name of the proposed development in title block 8 Project & file number in lower right corner of each sheet (number assigned once project submitted) C Cover Sheet Information 1 Name of proposed development and “Construction Plan” 2 Vicinity map at 1” = 400’ with project boundary clearly marked. There must be sufficient detail and legibility to locate the project in reference to nearby roads. 3 The dates, resolution or ordinance number(s), and details of any previously approved rezoning, design, or sign guidelines for the project site 4 All general notes 5 Sheet Index (Note: The plan must be in the same order as this checklist) 6 Additional requirements for certain permitted uses per Article 4: Use Standards, of the UDO (if applicable) D Existing Conditions Survey 1 Property lines clearly presented showing all bearings and distances, with an accuracy of closure in accordance with the Standards of Practice in NC GS 4730 from a current survey. Sufficient data must be included to reproduce on the ground every straight or curved boundary line, lot line, right-of-way line, easement, and tree protection area. Survey must be signed and sealed by a North Carolina Licensed Professional Land Surveyor. 2 Names of adjoining property owners and subdivisions 3 Adjoining zoning districts – boundaries and names 4 Jurisdictional boundaries 5 Adjoining current land uses 6 Right(s)-of-way or easement(s) e.g. street, railroad, and utility 7 Street name, right-of-way width, public or private, and state road number 8 Water, sewer, natural gas, and other utility lines 9 Existing structures (buildings, fencing, etc.) 10 Topographic contours (cite source) 11 Surface waters (label top of bank) 12 Riparian buffers (label zone 1 & 2) 13 FEMA 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries including FIRM number 14 Outline of generally forested areas (note any significant stands of trees)
Morrisville, NC
May 29, 2020
Administrative Manual
Page 4-39
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