Morrisville UDO - June 2017 version

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.2. Exceptions and Variations

L EADERSHIP IN E NERGY AND E NVIRONMENTAL D ESIGN (LEED) Verification by the U.S. Green Building Council of a building or development that is designed and constructed using strategies aimed at improving environmental performance including, but not limited to, energy savings, water efficiency, C02 emissions reduction, and indoor environmental quality in the form of LEED certification. L EVEL OF S ERVICE (LOS) A scale that measures the amount of traffic that a roadway or intersection can accommodate, based on such factors as maneuverability, driver dissatisfaction, and delay. The following describe levels of service:  LOS A indicates a relatively free flow of traffic, with little or no limitation on vehicle movement or speed.  LOS B describes a steady flow of traffic, with only slight delays in vehicle movement and speed. All queues clear in a single signal cycle.  LOS C denotes a reasonably steady, high-volume flow of traffic, with some limitations on movement and speed, and occasional backups on critical approaches.  LOS D designates the level where traffic nears an unstable flow. Intersections still function, but short queues develop and cars may have to wait through one cycle during short peaks.  LOS E represents traffic characterized by slow movement and frequent (although momentary) stoppages. This type of congestion is considered severe, but is not uncommon at peak traffic hours, with frequent stopping, longstanding queues, and blocked intersections.  LOS F represents an unacceptable, forced or breakdown flow, representing jammed conditions. The amount of traffic approaching an intersection cannot be accommodated adequately.

L EVEL OF S ERVICE , P RE - DEVELOPMENT Existing traffic plus background development traffic, but not including the proposed development traffic.

L IGHT E MITTING D IODE (LED) An electronic semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current passes through it. They are considerably more efficient than incandescent bulbs, and rarely burn out. LEDs are used in many applications such as flat-screen video displays, and increasingly as general sources of light.

L IGHT S OURCE The element of a lighting fixture that is the point of origin of the lumens emitted by the fixture.

L IGHT T RESPASS The occurrence when light emitted by a lighting installation falls outside the boundaries of the property on which the installation is sited. This can have adverse effects on residents, vehicle operators and pedestrians, the natural environment. L IMITED -A CCESS H IGHWAY Thoroughfares so designated on the Morrisville Thoroughfare Plan where access is by at-grade thoroughfares and driveway cuts onto the limited-access road are prohibited. L IMITED F UEL /O IL /B OTTLED G AS D ISTRIBUTION The distribution of fuel oil or bottled gases, such as propone or liquid petroleum, in cans with volumes no greater than five gallons, for compensation.

Morrisville, NC

June 23, 2017

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 11-47

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