Morrisville Unified Developmemt Ordinance_February 2024
Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.2. Principal Uses 4.2.5. Principal Use-Specific Standards
(D) Be configured so that each dwelling unit obtains vehicular access via a common shared driveway that is:
(i) Located on common area maintained by a Home Owners Association;
(ii) Comprised of concrete, brick, or pavers; and
(iii) Located central to the development.
(E) Be limited to no more than five dwelling units sharing the same common shared driveway; and
(F) Provide an automatic fire suppression system in each dwelling unit.
(Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016)
b. Dwelling, Live/Work
(1) The residential portion of the use shall occupy at least 50 percent of the total gross floor area.
(2) The nonresidential portion of the building shall be located on the ground floor.
(3) Employees shall be limited to occupants of the residential portion of the building plus up to three persons not residing in the residential portion.
(4) Drive-through service is prohibited as an accessory use.
Dwelling, Manufactured Home
(1) The home’s length shall be no more than four times its width.
(2) The enclosed living area shall contain at least 1,200 square feet.
(3) The roof shall have a minimum pitch of five feet or rise to 12 feet of horizontal run, and shall be finished with a type of shingle or other roofing material commonly used in the construction of single-family detached dwellings. (4) Exterior siding shall consist predominantly of vinyl or aluminum horizontal lap siding (with reflectivity no greater than gloss white paint), wood, or hardboard that is comparable in composition, appearance, and durability to the exterior siding commonly used in the construction of single-family detached dwellings. (5) The home shall have a permanent masonry foundation around the exterior perimeter of the structure.
(6) All utility lines connecting directly to the home shall be installed underground.
(7) The front door of the manufactured home shall face a street.
(8) Any moving hitch, tongue, wheels, axles, and transporting lights shall be removed before occupancy of the dwelling.
d. Dwelling, Multifamily
(1) Provision shall be made in all multifamily developments for on-site collection of recyclables as follows: (A) Collection facilities shall be co-located with dumpster enclosures and in central and visible locations. (B) Provision shall be made for collection of the following items: paper, glass, aluminum, cardboard, and plastic. (2) Parking spaces shall be distributed in a multifamily development so that each building has access to the number of spaces required to serve that building.
Morrisville, NC
September 13, 2023
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 4-12
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