Morrisville Unified Developmemt Ordinance_February 2024

Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.3. Accessory Uses and Structures 4.3.1. Purpose




The purpose of this section is to authorize the establishment and continuation of land uses and structures that are incidental and customarily subordinate to principal uses — i.e., accessory uses and structures. This section also identifies the zoning districts in which such accessory uses and structures are allowed, identifies what type of permit or review is required to establish them, sets out general standards applicable to all accessory uses and structures, and sets out any special standards applicable to particular accessory uses and structures. This section is intended to allow a broad range of accessory uses and structures, so long as they are located on the same site as the principal use and comply with the standards set forth in this section to reduce potentially adverse impacts on surrounding lands. The purpose of the mural installation is to activate and enhance the connectivity and vitality of the Town through engaging artwork and creative placemaking, while providing an opportunity for community engagements through the creation of murals that are colorful and inspiring for residents and visitors. These murals should reflect the unique characteristics of Morrisville. Section 4.3.3, General Standards for All Accessory Uses and Structures, establishes general standards that apply to all allowed accessory uses and structures. Section 4.3.4, Accessory Use/Structure Table, shows whether a particular type of accessory use or structure is permitted or prohibited within the various zoning districts. It is not intended to limit allowable accessory uses and structures to those listed in the Accessory Use/Structure Table. Section 4.3.5, Accessory Use-Specific Standards, sets forth standards for all accessory uses and structures for which a reference to th is section is provided in the “Use - Specific Standards” column of the Accessory Use/Structure Table for a particular type of accessory use or structure regardless of the zoning district in which they are allowed or the review procedure by which they are approved, unless expressly stated to the contrary. These standards may be modified by other applicable requirements in this Ordinance. 4.3.2. Organization and Applicability 1. Except as otherwise expressly allowed in this Ordinance, an accessory use or structure shall not be established or constructed before the establishment or construction of the principal use or structure. 2. If the principal use or structure is destroyed or removed, the accessory use or structure shall no longer be allowed. 3. Except as otherwise expressly allowed in this Ordinance, the total floor area of non-habitable accessory structures to a residential use shall not exceed 50 percent of the heated floor area of the principal structure(s) on the lot. See Section 4.3.5.B.1, Accessory Apartment for habitable accessory structure standards. 4. Except where otherwise expressly allowed in this Ordinance, the total floor area of buildings accessory to a nonresidential use shall not exceed the lesser of 2,000 square feet or 10 percent of the floor area of the principal building(s) on the lot. 4.3.3. General Standards for All Accessory Uses and Structures A. Relationship to Principal Use or Structure

B. Location of Accessory Uses and Structures

1. No accessory use or structure shall be located within any platted or recorded easement or over any known utility, or in an area designated as a fire lane or emergency access route on an approved site plan.

Morrisville, NC

September 13, 2023

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 4-34

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