Morrisville Unified Developmemt Ordinance_February 2024

Article 2: Administration Section 2.5. Application-Specific Review Procedures 2.5.3. Rezoning

B. General, Conditional, and Planned Development Rezonings Distinguished

There are three types of rezoning authorized by this Ordinance: General Rezonings; Conditional Rezonings; and Planned Development Rezonings. 1. A General Rezoning reclassifies land to a base zoning district and subjects future development in the district to all the development regulations applicable to that district, including allowance of the full range of uses and development intensity permitted in the district. 2. A Conditional Rezoning reclassifies land to a conditional zoning district that is parallel to a base zoning district and subjects future development in the district to the same development regulations applicable to the parallel base district except as modified by conditions that: b. Incorporate any proposed modifications to use, intensity, or development standards applicable in the parallel base district; and c. Are limited to conditions that address conformance of the allowable development and use of the rezoning site with Town regulations and adopted plans, and impacts reasonably expected to be generated by the allowable development or use of the site. 3. A Planned Development Rezoning reclassifies land to a Planned Development (PD) zoning district for which applicable development regulations are defined by a Planned Development plan and agreement (PD Plan/Agreement). Subsequent development with a PD district occurs through Subdivision Approval and Site Plan Approval procedures and standards, which ensure compliance with the PD Plan/Agreement. C. Rezoning Procedure The following subsections identify those steps in the standard review procedure (see Section 2.4) applicable to the review of General Rezoning, Conditional Rezoning, and Planned Development Rezoning applications and note any specific variations of, or additions to, those review steps. a. Are proposed or agreed to by the owner(s) of the subject land;

Morrisville, NC

June 13, 2023

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 2-26

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