Morrisville Unified Developmemt Ordinance_February 2024

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.3. Illuminated Signs

T RIP G ENERATION The total number of trip ends produced by a specific land use or activity.

T RIP G ENERATION S TUDY A study designed to measure the purpose and movement of vehicular traffic.

T RIPS , I NTERNAL Trips that are made within a multi-use or mixed-use development, by vehicle or by an alternate mode such as walking or bicycling.

T RIPS , N EW Trips, minus pass-by trips, minus internal trips if applicable; generated from the proposed development.

T RIPS , P ASS -B Y Vehicle trips which are made by traffic already using the adjacent roadway and entering the site as an intermediate stop on the way to another destination. T RUCK , L ARGE -S IZED A motor vehicle designed or used to carry goods or materials that has two or more rear axles or is designed and used for drawing a trailer. T RUCK , M EDIUM -S IZED A motor vehicle designed or used to carry goods or materials that has only two axles and is not designed or used for drawing a trailer. T URF ( OR T URF G RASS ) Any of various spreading grasses grown to form a continuous carpet of grass whose roots tightly bind the layer of soil beneath it. Turf grass endures and typically requires regular mowing. U RGENT C ARE F ACILITY A facility that provides urgent care medical service outside normal physician office hours or before a physician appointment is available, but with no provision for overnight or continuing care on an inpatient basis. This use does not include hospitals or medical/dental offices. U SE The purpose for which land or a building or structure is arranged, designed, or intended, or for which either land or a building or structure is or may be occupied or maintained. U TILITY F ACILITY , M AJOR A structure or facility that is a relatively major component of an infrastructure system providing community- or region-wide utility services. Examples of major utility facilities include potable water treatment plants, water towers, wastewater treatment plants, solid waste facilities, gas compressor stations, major overhead high-voltage electrical power transmission lines, and electrical substations. This use does not include central utility plants or telecommunications facilities or towers. T YPE 1 S UBDIVISION P RELIMINARY P LAT A PPROVAL See Section 2.5.6.B.1, Type 1 Preliminary Plat Approval Procedure. T YPE 2 S UBDIVISION P RELIMINARY P LAT A PPROVAL See Section 2.5.6.B.2, Type 2 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Approval Procedure.

Morrisville, NC

June 13, 2023

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 11-89

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