Morrisville Unified Developmemt Ordinance_February 2024
Article 2: Administration Section 2.5. Application-Specific Review Procedures 2.5.11. Riparian Buffer Development Review
a. Effect of Approval A Floodplain Development Permit allows the approval of any concurrently-reviewed applications for Site Plan Approval, Construction Plan Approval, Stormwater Management Permit, Administrative Adjustment, or Alternative Equivalent Compliance for the same development. It also authorizes submittal of an application for Building Permit for construction of approved buildings and structures in the Floodplain Overlay (FO) district, construction of approved site improvements, approved alteration or relocation of watercourses, and other approved land disturbing activities in the FO district. b. Expiration of Approval A Floodplain Development Permit shall expire if an application for a Building Permit (or Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy, if a Building Permit is not required) for the approved development is not submitted within two years after the date of the Construction Plan Approval, As-Built Elevation Certificate Before a Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy may be approved for development subject to the Floodplain Development Permit, the applicant shall submit a final, “as - built” elevation certificate prepared by, or under the direct supervision of, a professional land surveyor or engineer to the Town Engineer for approval. d. Inspections Town staff and agents may inspect sites undergoing development authorized by a Floodplain Development Permit to determine whether development activities conform to approved plans and terms of the permit and comply with non-encroachment requirements. C. Floodplain Development Permit Review Standards An application for a Floodplain Development Permit shall be approved only if the Town Engineer determines that the proposed development complies with all applicable standards in Section 5.6, Floodplain Management. c.
(Ord. No. 2014-051, 11/10/2014)
2.5.11. Riparian Buffer Development Review
See Section 6.5, Riparian Buffer Development Review.
2.5.12. Stormwater Management Permit
See Section 7.2, Administration and Procedures.
2.5.13. Sign Permit
A. Applicability
General The procedure and standards in this subsection apply to the review of applications for a Sign Permit, which shall be required before the erection, installation, construction, alteration, or moving of any sign unless exempted from this Ordinance signage regulations in accordance with subsection 2 below, or from the permit requirements in accordance with subsection 3 below.
Signs Exempt from Regulation
Signs exempt from the signage regulations of this Ordinance are listed in Section 5.16.2.B, Exemptions.
Morrisville, NC
June 13, 2023
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 2-52
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