Morrisville Unified Developmemt Ordinance_February 2024

Article 1: General Provisions Section 1.2. Applicability 1.2.1. Effective Date

G. Lessen congestion in the streets; H. Facilitate the efficient and adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other community services and public infrastructure to maintain and enhance the quality of life for Town citizens of today, the elderly who have enriched our past, and future generations; I. Foster a collaborative environment internally and with relevant local, regional, state, and federal partners to develop new opportunities for Morrisville’s residents and business community;

J. Secure safety from fire, panic, and dangers; K. Conserve the value of buildings and land; and L. Encourage the most appropriate use of land.


Effective Date


This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after July 1, 2014.

Territorial Jurisdiction


This Ordinance shall apply to any development that occurs within the corporate limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the Town of Morrisville unless expressly provided otherwise by the terms of this Ordinance.

Development Subject to Ordinance


A. Development Subject to Ordinance

Except as otherwise provided in subsection B below, the following activities shall be considered development subject to this Ordinance: 1. Any construction, reconstruction, erection, installation, placement, relocation, demolition, or alteration in the size or external appearance of a building or other structure on land; 2. The establishment of a new use of land or a structure or any change in such use; 3. Any change in the intensity of the use of land or a structure, such as: an increase in the number of businesses, establishments, offices, dwelling units, or lodging units comprising the use; an increase in the number of products or services provided by the use; an increase in the volume or characteristics of vehicular traffic generated by the use; an increase in noise levels, thermal conditions, or emissions of waste materials associated with the use; or an increase in the duration of a temporary or seasonal use; 4. Any land-disturbing activity that increases or changes the amount of impervious or partially impervious cover or that otherwise decreases the infiltration of precipitation into the soil; 5. An alteration of the natural topography of land, such as mining, grading, ditching, extracting earth materials, dredging, excavation, filling, or deposition of soil; 6. A removal of vegetative cover, such as site clearing or the removal of protected trees; 7. Any alteration of the channel, bank, shore, floodway, or floodplain of a watercourse, body of water, or wetland;

8. The deposition of refuse or solid or liquid waste on land; and

Morrisville, NC

June 13, 2023

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 1-2

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