Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - April 2019
Article 2: Administration Section 2.5. Application-Specific Review Procedures 2.5.25. Wireless Telecommunication Facilities
d. Scheduling and Public Notice of Meetings The Planning Director shall schedule the application for, and provide required public notices of, Planning and Zoning Board and Town Council meetings in accordance with Section 2.4.5.
e. Planning and Zoning Board Review and Recommendation
The Planning and Zoning Board shall review the application and make a recommendation in accordance with Section 2.4.6.
Town Council Review and Decision
The Town Council shall review and decide the application in accordance with Section 2.4.7 and Section 2.5.7.D. The decision shall be one of the following:.
(1) Approve the application as submitted;
(2) Approve the application subject to conditions;
(3) Deny the application; or
(4) Remand the application back to the Planning Director or Planning and Zoning Board for further consideration. (This may require additional review fees.)
g. Post-Decision Actions
The post-decision actions and limitations in Section 2.4.8 shall apply to the application except as follows:
(1) Effect of Approval
Major Site Plan Approval for Wireless Telecommunication Facilities allows the approval of any concurrently-reviewed applications for Construction Plan Approval, Floodplain Management Permit, Stormwater Management Permit, Administrative Adjustment, or Alternative Equivalent Compliance for the same development. It also authorizes submittal of any other development applications that may be required before construction or use of the development authorized by the Major Site Plan Approval.
(2) Expiration of Approval
A Major Site Plan Approval for Wireless Telecommunication Facilities shall expire if no significant work is done or development is made within two years after the date of Major Site Plan Approval.
(3) Minor Changes Allowed
(A) Subsequent development applications may incorporate minor changes from the development defined by the Major Site Plan Approval for Wireless Telecommunication Facilities without the need to amend the Major Site Plan Approval in accordance with Section 2.4.8.D, Modification or Amendment of Approval, where the Planning Director determines that the changes:
Continue to comply with this Ordinance;
(ii) Are necessary to comply with conditions of approval;
(iii) Comply with the policies set forth in the Town of Morrisville Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Master Plan; or (iv) Are consistent with the Major Site Plan Approval. Consistency means the changes would not significantly alter the developmentās general function, form, intensity, character, demand on public facilities, impact on adjacent properties, or other characteristic from that indicated by the Major Site Plan Approval.
Morrisville, NC
April 23, 2019
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 2-79
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