Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - April 2019
Article 2: Administration Section 2.5. Application-Specific Review Procedures 2.5.25. Wireless Telecommunication Facilities
(3) Minor Changes Allowed
(A) Subsequent development applications may incorporate minor changes from the development defined by the Minor Site Plan Approval for Wireless Telecommunication Facilities without the need to amend the Minor Site Plan Approval in accordance with Section 2.4.8.D, Modification or Amendment of Approval, where the Planning Director determines that the changes:
Continue to comply with this Ordinance;
(ii) Are necessary to comply with conditions of approval; or
(iii) Comply with the policies set forth in the Town of Morrisville Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Master Plan; or (iv) Are consistent with the Minor Site Plan approval or any prior Town Council approval on which it was based (e.g., PD Plan/Agreement approval, Conceptual Master Plan Approval, Major Site Plan Approval). Consistency means the changes would not significantly alter the developmentās general function, form, intensity, character, demand on public facilities, impact on adjacent properties, or other characteristic from that indicated by the Minor Site Plan Approval or any prior Town Council approval on which it was based. (B) In any case, the following changes from the Minor Site Plan Approval for Wireless Telecommunication Facilities or any prior Town Council approval on which it was based shall constitute a major change requiring amendment of the Minor Site Plan Approval in accordance with Section 2.4.8.D Modification or Amendment of Approval:
A change in a condition of approval.
(ii) A change in the height of the facility.
(iii) A change in the size of the compound area.
(Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016)
D. Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Approval An application for Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Approval may be approved only if the Town Council or Planning Director, as appropriate, determine that the facilities comply with the following: All Telecommunication Facilities (1) On town-owned property the Town may authorize the application and use of town property after the applicant executes a lease agreement acceptable to the Town. (2) Non-concealed attached antenna, as part of existing utility distribution poles, and dual- function telecommunication facilities within an existing transmission tower shall be permitted as an accessory use. (3) Except for dual-function towers, new freestanding telecommunication towers shall be prohibited within utility easements. (4) New freestanding telecommunication facilities shall be prohibited within railroad right-of- way, unless otherwise preempted by federal regulations. (5) New freestanding telecommunication facilities shall be prohibited within road right-of- way. a. Permitted as a Principal or Accessory Use
Morrisville, NC
April 23, 2019
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 2-81
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