Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - April 2019
Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.2. Principal Uses 4.2.5. Principal Use-Specific Standards
(7) Applications entitled to the streamlined processes shall meet all of the requirements described in Section 160A-400.50 through Section 160A-400.53 of the North Carolina General Statutes. (8) Applications for collocation entitled to streamlined processing pursuant to Section 6409 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 (47 USC 1455(a)) shall be approved provided they meet the following requirements: (A) A collocation on an existing tower or support structure shall not increase the overall height of the tower, support structure, antenna and/or antenna array more than ten percent or 20 feet, whichever is greater, and shall not cause the width (girth) of the structure to be increased more than 20 feet or the existing girth of the tower or support structure, whichever is greater. (B) Any collocation on an existing tower or support structure shall meet current NC Building Code requirements (including wind loading). (C) A collocation shall not add more than four additional equipment cabinets or one additional equipment shelter to be eligible as a collocation under this subsection 4.2.5.D.4.a(8). (D) A collocation eligible under this subsection 4.2.5.D.4.a(8) shall not require excavation outside of existing leased or owned parcel or existing easements. (E) Proposed collocations that do not meet the standards of subsection 4.2.5.D.4.a(8) shall be processed either pursuant to subsection 4.2.5.D.4.a(7) or pursuant to subsection 4.2.5.D.4.b or subsection 4.2.5.D.4.c. b. Concealed Attached Antenna Concealed attached antennas may be mounted onto a building, support structure, transmission tower structure, or other similar structure, which is not primarily constructed for holding antennas but on which one or more antennas may be mounted. Concealed attached antennas shall be subject to the following: (1) The top of the antennas shall not exceed 20 feet above the top of the structure and shall be architecturally indiscernible from the building, support structure, transmission tower structure, or other similar structure. (2) The applicant shall provide documentation verifying that the installation of a concealed attached antenna will not compromise the structural integrity of the building, support structure, transmission tower structure or other similar structure. (3) If installed onto a building wall, concealed attached antennas shall be flush-mounted and may protrude from the wall no more than 12 inches. (4) Concealed attached antennas and ancillary equipment shall only be allowed on buildings, support structures, streetlights, traffic signal poles, flagpoles, or other similar structures subject to compliance with this ordinance and applicable utility company requirements or building owner requirements. (5) Feed lines, cables, and ancillary equipment shall be designed to architecturally match the facade, roof, wall, pole and/or structure on which they are affixed in order to blend with the existing structural design, color, and texture. (6) If an ancillary equipment compound area is located on the roof of a building, the compound area shall not occupy more than twenty-five percent of the roof area, and shall comply with all current NC Building Code requirements for the proposed or existing building. If an ancillary equipment compound is located on the roof of the building, the
(Ord. No. 2015-002, 04/29/2015)
Morrisville, NC
April 23, 2019
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 4-17
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