Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - April 2019
Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.2. Principal Uses 4.2.5. Principal Use-Specific Standards
(F) Placement of an antenna on a utility distribution pole shall only be on poles owned or operated by a public utility authorized to operate in the Town, a Town franchisee, or the Town of Morrisville. (G) All relocation costs associated with any relocation of the antenna necessitated by street or sidewalk improvements shall be borne by the telecommunication provider. A non-concealed dual-function tower may be installed within an existing transmission tower structure, subject to the following: (1) The top of the non-concealed dual-function tower shall not exceed 20 feet above the top of the transmission tower structure. (2) The applicant shall provide documentation verifying that the installation of a non- concealed dual-function tower will not compromise the structural integrity of the transmission tower structure. (3) The applicant shall provide documentation verifying that the antenna will not interfere, or be interfered with, by the normal operating characteristics of the transmission line. (4) The non-concealed dual-function tower shall only be permitted subject to compliance with this ordinance and applicable utility company requirements. (5) Related equipment buildings, shall be located or screened to minimize the visual impact upon adjacent properties, which includes, but is not limited to, materials, colors, landscaping to blend with the surrounding environment in which it is situated.
d. Non-Concealed Dual-Function Tower (Private Utility Easement)
(6) Commercial advertising shall not be allowed on the non-concealed dual-function tower.
(7) Signals, lights, or illumination shall not be permitted on the non-concealed dual-function tower, unless required by the FCC or the FAA.
e. Concealed and Non-Concealed Telecommunication Towers
New telecommunication towers are subject to the following:
(1) Determination of Need
No new tower shall be permitted unless the applicant demonstrates compliance with this ordinance, including, but not limited to compliance with Article 6 – Riparian Buffers and Article 7 – Stormwater Management, and that no existing facility can accommodate the applicant’s proposed use; or that use of such existing facility would prohibit personal wireless services in the geographic search area to be served by the new tower.
(2) Telecommunication Tower Design and Construction
New telecommunication towers shall be engineered and constructed as follows:
(A) All towers up to 120 feet in height shall accommodate no less than three antenna arrays. (B) All towers between 120 feet one-inch and 140 feet shall accommodate no less than four antenna arrays. (C) All towers greater than 140 feet one-inch shall be engineered and constructed to accommodate at least five antenna arrays.
(D) New non-concealed towers shall be limited to monopole type towers.
(3) Height
The height of new towers shall be limited as follows:
Morrisville, NC
April 23, 2019
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 4-19
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