Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - April 2019
Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.3. Accessory Uses and Structures 4.3.3. General Standards for All Accessory Uses and Structures
the principal structure(s) on the lot. See Section 4.3.5.B.1, Accessory Apartment for habitable accessory structure standards. Except where otherwise expressly allowed in this Ordinance, the total floor area of buildings accessory to a nonresidential use shall not exceed the lesser of 2,000 square feet or 10 percent of the floor area of the principal building(s) on the lot. B. Location of Accessory Uses and Structures No accessory use or structure shall be located within any platted or recorded easement or over any known utility, or in an area designated as a fire lane or emergency access route on an approved site plan. No accessory structure shall be located within a perimeter or streetyard buffer except a screening fence or wall in accordance with Section 5.7, Perimeter and Streetyard Buffers Unless otherwise provided in Section 11.4.2.D, Allowable Encroachments into Required Yards, no accessory structure shall be located in a required front yard or corner side yard. Unless otherwise provided in Section 11.4.2.D, Allowable Encroachments into Required Yards, accessory uses or structures may be located in a required side yard or rear yard, provided an accessory structure, other than a fence or wall, that is more than ten feet in height is set back from the nearest side or rear lot line one foot for every foot (or fraction thereof) the structure’s height exceeds ten feet. Unless otherwise provided in subsection 7 above or in Section 11.4.2.D, Allowable Encroachments into Required Yards, accessory uses and structures shall comply with the minimum setback standards applicable in the zoning district where the structure is located. C. Accessory Uses and Structures in the Right-of-Way Except where otherwise expressly prohibited in this Ordinance, any structure accessory to development on adjoining property within a public street right-of-way maintained by the Town of Morrisville shall: No accessory structure shall inhibit the access to or function of a street or vehicle use area. No accessory structure shall obstruct sight distances. No accessory structure shall impede emergency access.
Comply with Section 2.5.24.B, Right-of-Way Encroachment Agreement Approval Procedure; Be located in right-of-way maintained by either a Home Owners Association or a Property Owners Association; Have expressed written support from either the Home Owners Association or the Property Owners Association;
Figure 4.3.3.C: Distance from back of curb.
Be a minimum of five feet from the back of curb on all sides except the front and rear of a linear median located on a divided street. (See Figure 4.3.3.C: Distance from back of curb.) Prohibit pedestrian access unless the proposed structure is located in the right-of-way of a main street or local street classified accessway (see Table 5.8.6.C, Vehicular Accessway Classifications);
April 23, 2019 Morrisville, NC Page 4-34 Unified Development Ordinance
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