Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance_Feb 2024.1

Article 2: Administration Section 2.5. Application-Specific Review Procedures 2.5.6. Special Use Permit

the general function, form, intensity, or character of the development, or impact on adjacent properties.

(2) In any case, the following changes from the Master Sign Plan Approval shall constitute a major change requiring amendment of the Master Sign Plan Approval in accordance with Section 2.4.8.D, Modification or Amendment of Approval:


A change in a condition of approval;

(B) An increase in the number of, or a change to, any of the signs in approved plan;


An increase in the square footage of one or more signs; or


A proposed change to the permitted sign types.

C. Master Sign Plan Approval Reviewed Standards A Master Sign Plan Approval application shall be approved only if the Town Council determines that the proposed plan complies with the applicable standards in the Ordinance to the extent determinable for a Master Sign Plan specifically that: 1. The application complies with the stated purpose of regulations in Section 5.16.1(A) of this Ordinance; 2. The request does not include any prohibited signs as identified in Sections 5.16.2(D), 5.16.2(E), and 5.16.2(F) of this Ordinance. 3. The application does not include any temporary signage. All temporary signage must continue to comply with the provisions in Section 5.16.5 of the Ordinance; 4. The application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and 5. The application does not conflict with any other provisions of this Ordinance or the Code of Ordinances.

Special Use Permit


Special Use Permit

A. Purpose A use designated as a Special Use in a particular zoning district is a use that may be appropriate in the district, but because of its nature, extent, and external effects, requires special consideration of its location, design, and methods of operation before it can be deemed appropriate in the district and compatible with its surroundings. Special Use Permits shall be approved upon the presentation of the competent, material, and substantial evidence establishing compliance with the standards identified in subsection D of this section. The applicant must provide written consent to any conditions placed on the approval. The purpose of this section is to establish a mechanism to review Special Uses to ensure they are appropriate as and where proposed. 1. The procedure and standards in this subsection apply to the review of any proposed development involving a Special Use as designated in the Use Tables in Section 4.2.4, or proposed development for which a Special Use Permit is required by any other provision of this Ordinance. B. Applicability

Pre-Application Conference

Application Submittal and Acceptance

Staff Review and Recommendation with DRC review

Scheduling and Notice of Meetings

Town Council Review and Decision with quasi-judicial hearing

Morrisville, NC

June 13, 2023

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 2-35

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