Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance_Feb 2024.1
Article 2: Administration Section 2.5. Application-Specific Review Procedures 2.5.7. Subdivision Approvals
b. Application Submittal and Acceptance
The application shall be submitted and accepted, and may be withdrawn, in accordance with Section 2.4.3.
Staff Review and Recommendation
The Planning Director shall review the application, allow revisions of the application, and prepare a staff report and recommendation in accordance with Section 2.4.4.
d. Scheduling and Public Notice of Meetings
The application shall be scheduled for Planning and Zoning Board and Town Council meetings in accordance with Section 2.4.5.
e. Planning and Zoning Board Review and Recommendation
The Planning and Zoning Board shall review the application and make a recommendation in accordance with Section 2.4.6. Town Council Review and Decision The Town Council shall review the application and decide the application in accordance with Section 2.4.7. The Town Council ’s decision on an application for Type 1 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Approval shall be one of the following:
(1) Approve the application as submitted;
(2) Approve the application subject to conditions;
(3) Deny the application; or
(4) Remand the application back to the Planning Director or Planning and Zoning Board for further consideration. (This may require additional review fees.) g. Post-Decision Actions and Limitations The post-decision actions and limitations in Section 2.4.8 shall apply to the application except as follows: Type 1 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Approval does not authorize specific development activity, but does authorize the submittal of applications for Construction Plan Approval (Section 2.5.8) and other development permits and approvals required to construct or install the public infrastructure and private utility improvements proposed to serve the subdivision or an approved phase of the subdivision (see Section 8.1.2 Phasing of Development). (1) Effect of Approval (A) Type 1 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Approval shall expire if no significant work is done or development is made for the subdivision, or an approved phase of the subdivision, within two years after the date of Preliminary Plat Approval. (B) If significant work is completed or development is made for a phase of the subdivision, Type 1 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Approval shall expire if no significant work is done or development is made for any remaining phases of the subdivision within two years after recordation of the last Final Plat for a phase of the subdivision in which significant work was completed or development was made. (2) Expiration of Approval
Morrisville, NC
June 13, 2023
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 2-40
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