Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - February 2021.1

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.3. Illuminated Signs

T RIPS , P ASS -B Y Vehicle trips which are made by traffic already using the adjacent roadway and entering the site as an intermediate stop on the way to another destination. T RUCK , L ARGE -S IZED A motor vehicle designed or used to carry goods or materials that has two or more rear axles or is designed and used for drawing a trailer. T RUCK , M EDIUM -S IZED A motor vehicle designed or used to carry goods or materials that has only two axles and is not designed or used for drawing a trailer. T URF ( OR T URF G RASS ) Any of various spreading grasses grown to form a continuous carpet of grass whose roots tightly bind the layer of soil beneath it. Turf grass endures and typically requires regular mowing. U RGENT C ARE F ACILITY A facility that provides urgent care medical service outside normal physician office hours or before a physician appointment is available, but with no provision for overnight or continuing care on an inpatient basis. This use does not include hospitals or medical/dental offices. U SE The purpose for which land or a building or structure is arranged, designed, or intended, or for which either land or a building or structure is or may be occupied or maintained. U TILITY F ACILITY , M AJOR A structure or facility that is a relatively major component of an infrastructure system providing community- or region-wide utility services. Examples of major utility facilities include potable water treatment plants, water towers, wastewater treatment plants, solid waste facilities, gas compressor stations, major overhead high-voltage electrical power transmission lines, and electrical substations. This use does not include central utility plants or telecommunications facilities or towers. U TILITY F ACILITY , M INOR A structure or facility that by itself is a relatively minor component of an infrastructure system providing community- or region-wide utility services and that needs to be in or near the neighborhood or use type where the service is provided. Examples of minor utility facilities include water and sewage pipes and pump stations, stormwater pipes and retention/detention facilities, telephone lines and local exchanges, electric lines and transformers, gas transmission pipes and valves, utility huts, and CATV lines. This use does not include central utility plants. U TILITY H UT A structure containing fiber-optic or other similar equipment that links to a regional network. This is not a type of Telecommunication Facility Use. T YPE 1 S UBDIVISION P RELIMINARY P LAT A PPROVAL See Section 2.5.6.B.1, Type 1 Preliminary Plat Approval Procedure. T YPE 2 S UBDIVISION P RELIMINARY P LAT A PPROVAL See Section 2.5.6.B.2, Type 2 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Approval Procedure.

Morrisville, NC

February 1, 2021

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 11-87

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