Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - February 2021.2
Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.3. Illuminated Signs
M AIN S TREET Specialized accessways that primarily function to accommodate pedestrian access to and within concentrations of higher intensity retail and mixed land uses, such as the Town Center and activity center districts. They are designed with attractive pedestrian-friendly streetscapes that promote walking, bicycling, and transit. To accommodate high pedestrian activity, they generally provide limited direct driveway access to abutting development, relying instead on side street access to rear parking facilities. M AINTAINED F OOT -C ANDLES Illuminance of lighting fixtures adjusted for a maintenance factor accounting for dirt build-up and lamp output depreciation. The maintenance factor used in the design process to account for this depreciation cannot be lower than 0.72 FC for high-pressure sodium and 0.64 FC for metal halide and mercury vapor. M AJOR T HOROUGHFARE An accessway that primarily functions to channel intercity vehicular traffic to and through the Town and to provide travel mobility among the Town’s major activity centers by connecting minor thoroughfares with each other and with collector streets. It handles moderate to high travel speeds and traffic volumes over relatively long distances, and provides limited direct driveway access to abutting development. M AJOR V ARIANCE A variance from the minimum statewide watershed protection or Jordan rules that results in the relaxation, by a factor greater than five percent of any buffer, density, or built-upon area requirement under the high density option; any variation in the design, maintenance, or operation requirements of a wet detention pond or other approved stormwater management system; or relaxation by a factor greater than 10 percent, of any management requirement under the low density option. For provisions in this Ordinance that are more stringent than the state's minimum water supply protection rules and Jordan rules, a variance to this Ordinance is not considered a major variance as long as the result of the variance is not less stringent than the state's minimum requirements. See Section 6.6, Variances from Riparian Buffer Regulations. M ANUFACTURED H OME P ARK OR S UBDIVISION For purposes of floodplain management, a parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land divided into two or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale. M ANUFACTURING , C USTOM An establishment primarily engaged in the on-site production of finished handmade goods in small quantities by a tradesman or artisan provided that all manufacturing activities occur in an enclosed building. Examples of this custom manufacturing include, but are not limited to: handmade jewelry making, glassblowing, custom woodworking, and pottery with a single kiln. M ANUFACTURING , H EAVY An establishment engaged in manufacturing or other industrial processing of products primarily from extracted or raw materials or bulk storage and handling of such products and materials, or an industrial establishment having potential to produce noise, dust, glare, odors, or vibration beyond the property line. Heavy manufacturing is distinguished from light and medium manufacturing by its potential for off- site impacts, not necessarily being entirely within an enclosed building, and not being limited in the extent of outdoor storage it involves. This does not include uses constituting a heavy industrial assembly use.
Morrisville, NC
February 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 11-52
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