Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - February 2021
Article 2: Administration Section 2.4. Standard Review Procedures 2.4.4. Staff Review and Action
The Planning Director or Town Engineer may also offer the applicant comments and suggestions regarding possible improvements to the proposed development that are not required by this Ordinance, provided the notice distinguishes such comments and suggestions from any identified compliance deficiencies. 3. The applicant shall respond to the notice within six months after being notified of compliance deficiencies by submitting a written request that the application be processed as submitted or by submitting a revised application. If the applicant fails to respond within six months, the application shall be considered withdrawn. 4. If the applicant submits a revised application, the Planning Director or Town Engineer, as appropriate, shall refer the application to the appropriate Town staff members and review agencies for review and comment and shall review any such comments received. At the discretion of the Planning Director or Town Engineer, as appropriate, the applicant may be provided the opportunity to revise the application further to address identified remaining compliance deficiencies. Staff Report If a development application is subject to staff review and a staff recommendation to thePlanning and Zoning Board or Town Council (see Table Section 2.3, Summary of Development Review Procedures), the Planning Director shall prepare a written staff report. The staff report shall conclude whether the application complies with all applicable standards of this Ordinance and recommend one of the decisions authorized for the particular type of application, based on the review standards applicable to the application type, as set forth in Section 2.5, Application-Specific Review Procedures. The staff report may identify and recommend conditions of approval addressing how compliance deficiencies might be corrected and adverse effects of the development proposal might be mitigated. 2. Distribution and Availability of Application and Staff Report Within a reasonable time period before the meeting at which a development application is scheduled for review by the Planning and Zoning Board or Town Council, the Planning Director shall: a. Schedule and verify any required public notice of the meeting in accordance with 2.4.5, Scheduling and Public Notice of Meetings; b. Transmit the application, related materials, and the staff report to the Planning and Zoning Board or Town Council, as appropriate; 1.
(Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016)
C. Applications Subject to Staff Recommendation
c. Transmit a copy of the staff report to the applicant; and
d. Make the application, related materials, and the staff report available for examination by the public during normal business hours, and make copies of such materials available at a reasonable cost.
D. Applications Subject to Staff Decision
Decision If a development application is subject to staff review and a final decision by the Planning Director or Town Engineer (see Table 2.3, Summary Table of Development Review Procedures), the Planning Director or Town Engineer, as appropriate, shall make one of the decisions authorized for the particular type of application, based on the review standards applicable to the application type, as set forth in Section 2.5, Application-Specific Review Procedures. The decision shall be in writing and shall clearly state reasons for a denial or for conditions of approval.
Morrisville, NC
February 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 2-15
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