Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - February 2021
Article 2: Administration Section 2.5. Application-Specific Review Procedures 2.5.6. Subdivision Approvals
6. The proposed development will not generate needs for transportation, water supply, sewage disposal, fire and police protection, and similar public services that cannot be adequately handled by available infrastructure and facilities;
7. The proposed development will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
(Ord. No. 2015-002, 04/29/2015)
Subdivision Approvals
A. Applicability
General The procedure and standards in this subsection apply to the review of any proposed subdivision, as defined in Section 11.5, Terms and Uses Defined, including the development of open space, streets, other public infrastructure improvements, and private utility improvements proposed or required to serve the future development of subdivided lots and parcels. a. Type 1 Preliminary Plat All preliminary plats proposing single-family detached, attached, or duplex dwellings submitted under this Ordinance shall be reviewed and decided in accordance with the procedures and standards in Section 2.5.6.B.1, Type 1 Preliminary Plat Approval Procedure and Section 2.5.6.C, Final Plat Approval. b. Type 2 Preliminary Plat (1) With the exception of subdivisions associated with a Planned Development District or a Conceptual Master Plan Approval, if all property owners provide an executed Statement of Voluntary Compliance in accordance with Section 5.9.7.B.2 of this Ordinance and Section 2.5.6.C, Final Plat Approval, plats proposing single-family detached, attached, or duplex dwellings may be reviewed and decided in accordance with Section 2.5.6.B.2, Type 2 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Approval Procedure. (2) All preliminary plats associated with a Site Plan or Site Plan for uses other than those identified in subsection 2.5.6.A.2.b.(1) shall be reviewed and decided in accordance with the procedures and standards in Section 2.5.6.B.2, Type 2 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Approval Procedure, and Section 2.5.6.C, Final Plat Approval. c. Subdivision Exclusions A Subdivision Exclusion is any division of land that is proposed as one of the activities specifically listed as excluded from the definition of “subdivision” in Section 11.5, Terms and Uses Defined, and thus from the subdivision procedures and standards in this Ordinance. Determination of Subdivision Exclusion in accordance with Section 2.5.6.D is required before recordation of any division of land claimed to be excluded from regulation as a subdivision under this Ordinance. Concurrent Applications Applications for Type 1 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Approval or Type 2 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Approval may be submitted and reviewed concurrently with an application for Construction Plan Approval, Administrative Adjustment, or Alternative Equivalent Compliance. An application for Determination of Subdivision Exclusion may be submitted and reviewed concurrently with any development application. Subdivisions Distinguished
(Ord. No. 2015-002, 04/29/2015; Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016)
Morrisville, NC
February 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 2-35
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