Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - July 2021
Table of Contents
ARTICLE 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................................ 1-1 Section 1.1. Title, Authority, and Purpose .............................................................................................1-1 Section 1.2. Applicability.......................................................................................................................1-2 Section 1.3. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan .................................................................................1-3 Section 1.4. Relationship to Other Laws................................................................................................1-4 Section 1.5. Official Zoning Map...........................................................................................................1-4 Section 1.6. Transitional Provisions ......................................................................................................1-5 Section 1.7. Severability ........................................................................................................................1-6 ARTICLE 2: ADMINISTRATION.................................................................................................... 2-1 Section 2.1. Purpose and Organization of this Article ...........................................................................2-1 Section 2.2. Review Authorities ............................................................................................................2-1 Section 2.3. Summary Table of Development Review Procedures ........................................................2-9 Section 2.4. Standard Review Procedures ...........................................................................................2-11 Section 2.5. Application-Specific Review Procedures ..........................................................................2-23 ARTICLE 3: ZONING DISTRICTS .................................................................................................. 3-1 Section 3.1. General Provisions.............................................................................................................3-1 Section 3.2. Conservation Districts ........................................................................................................3-2 Section 3.3. Residential Districts............................................................................................................3-5 Section 3.4. Activity Center Districts ....................................................................................................3-14 Section 3.5. Town Center Districts .......................................................................................................3-25 Section 3.6. Commercial and Industrial Districts .................................................................................3-42 Section 3.7. Planned Development Districts ........................................................................................3-50 Section 3.8. Overlay Districts ..............................................................................................................3-56 ARTICLE 4: USE STANDARDS...................................................................................................... 4-1 Section 4.1. Organization......................................................................................................................4-1 Section 4.2. Principal Uses ....................................................................................................................4-1 Section 4.3. Accessory Uses and Structures.........................................................................................4-33 Section 4.4. Temporary Uses and Structures........................................................................................4-50 ARTICLE 5: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ................................................................................... 5-1 Section 5.1. General Provisions.............................................................................................................5-1 Section 5.2. General Site Layout and Design.........................................................................................5-1 Section 5.3. Subdivision Blocks, Lots, and Reference Points..................................................................5-1 Section 5.4. Tree Protection ...................................................................................................................5-4 Section 5.5. Common Open Space and Public Recreation Area ..........................................................5-13
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Section 5.6. Floodplain Management ..................................................................................................5-21 Section 5.7. Perimeter and Streetyard Buffers......................................................................................5-29 Section 5.8. Access and Circulation.....................................................................................................5-40 Section 5.9. Building Configuration and Design..................................................................................5-56 Section 5.10. Parking and Loading......................................................................................................5-85 Section 5.11. Utilities and Services ....................................................................................................5-111 Section 5.12. Landscaping.................................................................................................................5-112 Section 5.13. Screening .....................................................................................................................5-122 Section 5.14. Fences and Walls .........................................................................................................5-127 Section 5.15. Exterior Lighting ...........................................................................................................5-132 Section 5.16. Signage ........................................................................................................................5-143 Section 5.17. Sustainable Development Practices..............................................................................5-171 ARTICLE 6: RIPARIAN BUFFERS .................................................................................................. 6-1 Section 6.1. Purpose ..............................................................................................................................6-1 Section 6.2. General ..............................................................................................................................6-1 Section 6.3. Riparian Buffers and Zones ...............................................................................................6-3 Section 6.4. Identification of Riparian Buffers .......................................................................................6-4 Section 6.5. Riparian Buffer Development Review................................................................................6-5 Section 6.6. Variances from Riparian Buffer Regulations......................................................................6-8 Section 6.7. Diffuse Flow Requirements ..............................................................................................6-11 Section 6.8. Uses and Activities Permitted in Riparian Buffers ............................................................6-11 Section 6.9. Mitigation.........................................................................................................................6-18 ARTICLE 7: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ................................................................................ 7-1 Section 7.1. General Provisions.............................................................................................................7-1 Section 7.2. Administration and Procedures..........................................................................................7-4 Section 7.3. Standards ...........................................................................................................................7-9 Section 7.4. Maintenance ....................................................................................................................7-12 Section 7.5. Enforcement and Violations .............................................................................................7-16 Section 7.6. Illicit Discharges and Connections ...................................................................................7-18 ARTICLE 8: PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE ..................................................................... 8-1 Section 8.1. Performance.......................................................................................................................8-1 Section 8.2. Maintenance ......................................................................................................................8-6 ARTICLE 9: NONCONFORMITIES ................................................................................................ 9-1 Section 9.1. General Applicability .........................................................................................................9-1 Section 9.2. Nonconforming Lots...........................................................................................................9-1 Section 9.3. Nonconforming Uses .........................................................................................................9-2 Section 9.4. Nonconforming Structures..................................................................................................9-3 Section 9.5. Nonconforming Signs ........................................................................................................9-3
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Section 9.6. Nonconforming Exterior Lighting Fixtures..........................................................................9-4 Section 9.7. Nonconforming Site Features .............................................................................................9-4 Section 9.8. General Provisions.............................................................................................................9-5 ARTICLE 10: ENFORCEMENT..................................................................................................... 10-1 Section 10.1. General Provisions.........................................................................................................10-1 Section 10.2. Violations and Responsible Persons ..............................................................................10-1 Section 10.3. Enforcement Responsibility and Procedures ..................................................................10-1 Section 10.4. Remedies and Penalties .................................................................................................10-4 ARTICLE 11: INTERPRETATION AND DEFINITIONS .................................................................. 11-1 Section 11.1. Interpretation of Ordinance Text ....................................................................................11-1 Section 11.2. Interpretation of Zoning Map Boundaries ......................................................................11-2 Section 11.3. Use Classifications and Interpretation............................................................................11-3 Section 11.4. Measurement, Exceptions, And Variations of Intensity and Dimensional Standards...11-10 Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined ..............................................................................................11-19
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ARTICLE 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................................ 1-1 Section 1.1. Title, Authority, and Purpose .............................................................................................1-1
1.1.1. Title .....................................................................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1.2. Authority ............................................................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1.3. Purpose and Intent...........................................................................................................................................................1-1 Section 1.2. Applicability.......................................................................................................................1-2
1.2.1. Effective Date...................................................................................................................................................................1-2
1.2.2. Territorial Jurisdiction......................................................................................................................................................1-2
1.2.3. Development Subject to Ordinance.............................................................................................................................1-2
1.2.4. Application to Governmental Units..............................................................................................................................1-3
1.2.5. Emergency Exemption.....................................................................................................................................................1-3
Section 1.3. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan .................................................................................1-3 Section 1.4. Relationship to Other Laws................................................................................................1-4
1.4.1. Conflicts with Other Town Laws....................................................................................................................................1-4
1.4.2. Conflicts with County, State, or Federal Laws...........................................................................................................1-4
1.4.3. Relationship to Private Agreements.............................................................................................................................1-4 Section 1.5. Official Zoning Map...........................................................................................................1-4
1.5.1. Establishment and Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................1-4
1.5.2. Changes .............................................................................................................................................................................1-4
1.5.3. Interpretation....................................................................................................................................................................1-4 Section 1.6. Transitional Provisions ......................................................................................................1-5
1.6.1. Prior Violations.................................................................................................................................................................1-5
1.6.2. Prior Nonconformities......................................................................................................................................................1-5
1.6.3. Prior Development Approvals.......................................................................................................................................1-5
1.6.4. Pending Applications ......................................................................................................................................................1-5
1.6.5. New Zoning Districts Compared to Previous Zoning Districts .................................................................................1-5 Section 1.7. Severability ........................................................................................................................1-6
Article 1: General Provisions
This ordinance shall be known and officially cited as the “Unified Development Ordinance of the Town of Morrisville, North Carolina.” It is referred to in this ordinance as “the Unified Development Ordinance” or “this Ordinance” or “the UDO.”
A. General
The Unified Development Ordinance is enacted pursuant to authority granted by the Charter of the Town of Morrisville and the laws of the State of North Carolina — including, but not limited to: 1. Article 14, Section 5 of the Constitution of North Carolina; 2. Chapter 160D, Article 4 of Chapter 63, Article 4 of Chapter 113, Chapter 136, and Article 21 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes of North Carolina; 3. Session Laws 2009-216 and 2009-484 of the General Assembly of North Carolina; 4. Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code; and 5. Any special legislation enacted by the North Carolina General Assembly for the Town of Morrisville. B. References to North Carolina Laws Whenever any provision of this Ordinance refers to or cites a section of the North Carolina General Statutes or (N.C.G.S.) or the North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), and that section is later amended or superseded, this Ordinance shall be deemed to refer to the amended section or the section that most nearly corresponds to the superseded section. The general purpose of this Ordinance is to guide and manage the development of Morrisville in a way that takes into account present and future needs and resources and that protects the health, safety, prosperity, and general welfare of the Town ’s citizens and landowners. This Ordinance is also intended to implement the goals, objectives, and policies in the Land Use Plan, Transportation Plan, Town Center Plan, and other adopted plans guiding the Town ’s growth and development . More specifically, this Ordinance is intended to: A. Ensure a diverse development pattern that sustains livability and the environment by encouraging future development and public infrastructure that is complementary to existing development; B. Ensure the provision of adequate open space for light, air, and fire safety; C. Prevent the overcrowding of land and avoid undue concentration of population; D. Ensure that Morrisville integrates attractively and sustainably designed communities of complementary uses; E. Maintain and enhance the character of various districts within the town, in light of their peculiar suitability of particular uses; 1.1.3. Purpose and Intent
F. Improve transportation mobility by integrating land uses with transportation infrastructure;
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Article 1: General Provisions Section 1.2. Applicability 1.2.1. Effective Date
G. Lessen congestion in the streets; H. Facilitate the efficient and adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other community services and public infrastructure to maintain and enhance the quality of life for Town citizens of today, the elderly who have enriched our past, and future generations; I. Foster a collaborative environment internally and with relevant local, regional, state, and federal partners to develop new opportunities for Morrisville’s residents and business community;
J. Secure safety from fire, panic, and dangers; K. Conserve the value of buildings and land; and L. Encourage the most appropriate use of land.
Effective Date
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after July 1, 2014.
Territorial Jurisdiction
This Ordinance shall apply to any development that occurs within the corporate limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the Town of Morrisville unless expressly provided otherwise by the terms of this Ordinance.
Development Subject to Ordinance
A. Development Subject to Ordinance
Except as otherwise provided in subsection B below, the following activities shall be considered development subject to this Ordinance: 1. Any construction, reconstruction, erection, installation, placement, relocation, demolition, or alteration in the size or external appearance of a building or other structure on land; 2. The establishment of a new use of land or a structure or any change in such use; 3. Any change in the intensity of the use of land or a structure, such as: an increase in the number of businesses, establishments, offices, dwelling units, or lodging units comprising the use; an increase in the number of products or services provided by the use; an increase in the volume or characteristics of vehicular traffic generated by the use; an increase in noise levels, thermal conditions, or emissions of waste materials associated with the use; or an increase in the duration of a temporary or seasonal use; 4. Any land-disturbing activity that increases or changes the amount of impervious or partially impervious cover or that otherwise decreases the infiltration of precipitation into the soil; 5. An alteration of the natural topography of land, such as mining, grading, ditching, extracting earth materials, dredging, excavation, filling, or deposition of soil; 6. A removal of vegetative cover, such as site clearing or the removal of protected trees; 7. Any alteration of the channel, bank, shore, floodway, or floodplain of a watercourse, body of water, or wetland;
8. The deposition of refuse or solid or liquid waste on land; and
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Article 1: General Provisions Section 1.3. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan 1.2.4. Application to Governmental Units
9. A division of a parcel of land into two or more lots, building sites, or other divisions for the purpose of sale or building development (whether immediate or future), and any division of land involving dedication of a new street or a change in existing streets.
(Ord. No. 2014-051, 11/10/2014)
B. Activities Not Subject to Ordinance
Unless part of a more extensive activity identified as development in subsection A above, the following activities do not constitute development subject to this Ordinance: 1. The inspection, maintenance or repair of an existing transportation facility (roadway, walkway, railroad tracks, bus shelter, traffic control device, etc.) or an existing utility, stormwater management, or public service facility (pipe, cable, valve, catch basin, outlet, ditch, basin, bulk refuse container pad, etc.), if no substantial engineering redesign is involved; 2. The ordinary maintenance and repair of existing structures, where no activities identified as development in subsection A above are involved; 3. The ordinary planting or maintenance of vegetative landscaping or gardens; 4. A change in the ownership or form of ownership of any parcel or structure; 5. The creation or termination of easements, covenants, condominium titles, or other rights in land or development, where no street right-of-way dedication in involved; 6. Any division of land proposed as one of the activities specially listed as excluded from the definition of “subdivision” in Section 11.5, Terms and Uses Defined.
Application to Governmental Units
To the extent allowed by law, this Ordinance shall apply to any development by Town, county, state, or federal agencies within the Town ’s territorial jurisdiction, and any land, bui ldings, and structures — including uses thereof — owned or otherwise controlled by such agencies. Where this Ordinance does not control such development, land, buildings, and structures, such agencies are encouraged to meet the provisions of this Ordinance.
Emergency Exemption
The Town Manager may, after consultation with the Planning Director and Town Engineer and without any otherwise required prior notice or public hearing, authorize Town agencies to deviate from the provisions of this Ordinance during and after an emergency (such as a hurricane or other storm, flooding, chemical spill or leak) when the need to act quickly to secure the public health, safety, or welfare makes it impossible to submit to the normal procedures and requirements of this Ordinance. SECTION 1.3. RELATIONSHIP TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN This Ordinance is intended to ensure that all development within the Town ’s jurisdiction is generally consistent with goals, objectives, and policies of those plans and policies adopted by the Town Council to address the Town ’s growth and development . Such plans and policies comprise the Town ’s Comprehensive Plan and include, but are not limited to, the Land Use Plan, the Town Center Plan and other small area plans that provide guidance on desired development in specific geographic areas and corridors, as well as the Transportation Plan, the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, and other functional plans related to public infrastructure and services. To the extent this Ordinance is or becomes inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, this Ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan should be amended so the plan and this Ordinance remain generally consistent with each other . Additionally, all amendments to this Ordinance’s te xt or Zoning Map should maintain and enhance consistency between this Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan.
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Article 1: General Provisions Section 1.4. Relationship to Other Laws 1.4.1. Conflicts with Other Town Laws
Conflicts with Other Town Laws
If provisions of this Ordinance are inconsistent with one another, or conflict with provisions found in other adopted ordinances of the Town, the more restrictive provision, as determined by the Planning Director or Town Engineer, as appropriate, shall govern unless otherwise expressly provided.
Conflicts with County, State, or Federal Laws
If the provisions of this Ordinance are inconsistent with those of applicable county, state, or federal laws, the more restrictive provision, as determined by the Planning Director, Town Engineer, or Building Official, as appropriate, shall govern, to the extent permitted by law.
Relationship to Private Agreements
Nothing in this Ordinance is intended to supersede, annul, or interfere with any easement, covenant, deed restriction, or other agreement between private parties, but such private agreements shall not excuse any failure to comply with this Ordinance. The Town shall not be responsible for monitoring or enforcing private agreements.
Establishment and Maintenance
A. Land subject to this Ordinance is divided into the various zoning districts established in Article 3: Zoning Districts, with the locations and boundaries of the districts shown on the Official Zoning Map. The Official Zoning Map and all notations thereon is hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. B. The original and all revised versions of the Official Zoning Map shall be certified as such by the Town Clerk and shall be kept on file, in either hardcopy or digital form, in the Planning Department. C. Copies of the Official Zoning Map shall be made available for public inspection during normal business hours in the Planning Department. A. Changes made in zoning district boundaries or other matters portrayed on the Official Zoning Map shall be made in accordance with Section 2.5.3, Rezoning. B. The Planning Director shall enter changes on the Official Zoning Map promptly after a rezoning is approved by the Town Council. Where the ordinance enacting a rezoning contains wording explaining or clarifying the location of zoning district boundaries, the Planning Director may enter on the Official Zoning Map notations reflecting the ordinance wording. C. The Planning Director shall maintain copies of superseded versions of the Official Zoning Map for historical reference. 1.5.2. Changes
The Planning Director shall be responsible for interpretations of the Official Zoning Map in accordance with the standards in Section 11.2, Interpretation of Zoning Map Boundaries.
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Article 1: General Provisions Section 1.6. Transitional Provisions 1.6.1. Prior Violations
Prior Violations
To the extent a development or activity in violation of the previous development regulations fully complies with the provisions of this Ordinance, it shall no longer be deemed a violation. Otherwise, it shall continue to be deemed a violation under this Ordinance and subject to penalties and enforcement in accordance with Article 10: Enforcement.
Prior Nonconformities
To the extent a legal nonconformity under the previous development regulations becomes conforming under this Ordinance, it shall no longer be deemed nonconforming. Otherwise, it shall continue to be deemed a nonconformity and subject to the provisions of Article 9: Nonconformities.
Prior Development Approvals
A. Any use or development approved under the previous development regulations may be established or carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the approval and the development standards in effect at the time of approval, provided the approval has not expired and otherwise remains valid, and the approved use or development complies with applicable standards of this Ordinance pertaining to ongoing operations and maintenance activities (such as standards regulating illicit discharges into stormwater conveyances, the use of parking spaces, or the maintenance of required landscape vegetation). If the prior approval expires, is revoked, or otherwise becomes invalid (e.g., for failure to comply with time limits or the terms and conditions of approval), any subsequent development of the site shall be subject to the procedures and standards of this Ordinance. B. To the extent a prior approval authorizes a use or development that does not comply with this Ordinance, the subsequent development, although permitted, shall be nonconforming and subject to the provisions of Article 9: Nonconformities. A. A development application accepted as complete under the prior development regulations, but still pending a final decision as of July 1, 2014 , shall thereafter be reviewed and decided, at the applicant’s option, wholly in accordance with the development regulations in effect when the application was accepted, or wholly in accordance with this Ordinance (but not in accordance with a mix of provisions from both sets of regulations). B. If the applicant elects to have the pending development application reviewed in accordance with the prior development regulations, the Town shall review and decide the application in good faith and in accordance with any time frames established by the prior regulations. If the application is approved and the approval or subsequent authorization of the approved development expires or otherwise becomes invalid (e.g., for failure to comply with time limits or the terms and conditions of approval), any subsequent development of the site shall be subject to the procedures and standards of this Ordinance. C. To the extent approval of a pending application in accordance with the prior development regulations authorizes development that does not comply with this Ordinance, the subsequent development, although permitted, shall be nonconforming and subject to the provisions of Article 9: Nonconformities. 1.6.4. Pending Applications
New Zoning Districts Compared to Previous Zoning Districts
Table 1.6.5, New Zoning Districts, shows the new zoning districts established in Article 3: Zoning Districts, next to comparable zoning districts established in the Town’s previous Zoning Ordinance.
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Article 1: General Provisions Section 1.7. Severability 1.6.5. New Zoning Districts Compared to Previous Zoning Districts
Table 1.6.5, New Zoning Districts
Previous Zoning District
New Zoning District
Conservation Districts
Conservation/Buffer (CB)
Park/Greenway/Open Space (PGO)
Residential Districts
Agricultural (AD)
Very Low Density Residential (VLDR)
R-12 Residential (R-12) R-10 Residential (R-10) R-8 Residential (R-8) R-6 Residential (R-6)
Low Density Residential (LDR)
Medium Density Residential (MDR)
Residential Multi-Family (RMF)
High Density Residential (HDR) [NEW]
Activity Center Districts
Neighborhood Activity Center (NAC) [NEW] Business Activity Center (BAC) [NEW] Community Activity Center (CAC) [NEW] Regional Activity Center (RAC) [NEW] Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) [NEW]
Town Center Districts
Historic Crossroads Village (HCV)
Historic Crossroads Village (HCV)
Main Street (MS)
Main Street (MS)
Corridor Commercial (CC) Town Center Residential (TCR) Residential Transition (RT)
Town Center Commercial (TCC) Town Center Residential (TCR)
Residential Transition (RT)
Residential Neighborhood Preservation (RNP)
Residential Neighborhood Preservation (RNP)
Commercial and Industrial Districts
Corridor Commercial (CC) Office/Institutional (OI)
Office/Institutional (OI)
Neighborhood Business (NB)
[Reclassified to Neighborhood or Business Activity Center – see above] [Reclassified to Business, Community, or Regional Activity Center – see above]
General Business (GB)
Industrial Management (IM)
Industrial Management (IM)
Planned Development Districts
Mixed-Use Planned Development (MUPD) Main Street Planned Development District [MSPD]
Mixed Use (MU) [base district]
Overlay Districts
Planned Development Overlay
Subdistrict A Subdistrict B
Airport Overlay-A
Airport Overlay
Airport Overlay-B Floodplain Overlay (FO) [NEW]
SECTION 1.7. SEVERABILITY The Town Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof regardless whether one or more other portions of the Ordinance is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction. A. If a court of competent jurisdiction holds any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance to be invalid for any reason, such judgment shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. B. If a court of competent jurisdiction holds any condition attached to a development permit or approval granted in accordance with this Ordinance to be invalid for any reason, such judgment shall not affect the validity of any other conditions of the permit or approval not specifically included in the judgment.
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Article 1: General Provisions Section 1.7. Severability 1.6.5. New Zoning Districts Compared to Previous Zoning Districts
C. If a court of competent jurisdiction invalidates the application of any provision of this Ordinance to a development, such judgment shall not affect the application of that provision to any other development not specifically included in the judgment.
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ARTICLE 2: ADMINISTRATION.................................................................................................... 2-1 Section 2.1. Purpose and Organization of this Article ...........................................................................2-1 Section 2.2. Review Authorities ............................................................................................................2-1
2.2.1. Town Staff.........................................................................................................................................................................2-1
2.2.2. Planning and Zoning Board...........................................................................................................................................2-5
2.2.3. Town Council .....................................................................................................................................................................2-8
Section 2.3. Summary Table of Development Review Procedures ........................................................2-9 Section 2.4. Standard Review Procedures ...........................................................................................2-11
2.4.1. General .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-11
2.4.2. Pre-Application Conference ....................................................................................................................................... 2-11
2.4.3. Application Submittal, Acceptance, Revisions, and Withdrawal........................................................................ 2-12
2.4.4. Staff Review and Action ............................................................................................................................................. 2-14
2.4.5. Scheduling and Public Notice of Meetings.............................................................................................................. 2-16
2.4.6. Planning and Zoning Board Review and Recommendation................................................................................. 2-19
2.4.7. Planning and Zoning Board or Town Council Review and Decision................................................................... 2-20
2.4.8. Post-Decision Actions and Limitations ....................................................................................................................... 2-22 Section 2.5. Application-Specific Review Procedures ..........................................................................2-23
2.5.1. General .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-23
2.5.2. Text Amendment ........................................................................................................................................................... 2-24
2.5.3. Rezoning ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-25
2.5.4. Conceptual Master Plan Approval ........................................................................................................................... 2-29
2.5.5. Special Use Permit........................................................................................................................................................ 2-32
2.5.6. Subdivision Approvals ................................................................................................................................................. 2-35
2.5.7. Site Plan Approval ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-43
2.5.8. Construction Plan Approval ........................................................................................................................................ 2-46
2.5.9. Floodplain Development Permit ................................................................................................................................ 2-48
2.5.10. Riparian Buffer Development Review ...................................................................................................................... 2-49
2.5.11. Stormwater Management Permit .............................................................................................................................. 2-49
2.5.12. Sign Permit ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2-49
2.5.13. Building Permit .............................................................................................................................................................. 2-50
2.5.14. Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy.................................................................................................................... 2-50
2.5.15. Interpretation................................................................................................................................................................. 2-51
2.5.16. Variance ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2-52
2.5.17. Riparian Buffer Variance............................................................................................................................................ 2-55
2.5.18. Stormwater Variance................................................................................................................................................... 2-55
2.5.19. Administrative Adjustment........................................................................................................................................... 2-56
2.5.20. Alternative Equivalent Compliance........................................................................................................................... 2-58
2.5.21. Site-Specific Development Plan Designation.......................................................................................................... 2-61
2.5.22. Administrative Appeal................................................................................................................................................. 2-63
2.5.23. Development Agreement ............................................................................................................................................ 2-65
2.5.24. Right-of-Way Encroachment Agreement Approval .............................................................................................. 2-67
2.5.25. Wireless Telecommunication Facilities...................................................................................................................... 2-69
Article 2: Administration
This article describes the procedures for review of all applications for land use and development activity in Morrisville. A. Section 2.2, Review Authorities, describes the powers and duties, composition, and basic rules for each of the Town boards or other entities that have advisory and/or decision-making roles and responsibilities under this Ordinance. B. Section 2.3, Summary Table of Development Review Procedures, includes a summary table listing the land use and development procedures in this Ordinance. C. Section 2.4, Standard Review Procedures, describes standard procedures that generally apply to most types of development applications. D. Section 2.5, Application-Specific Review Procedures, supplements the standard review procedures with additions and variations specific to each type of development application, such as review standards and special submittal or voting requirements.
This section identifies the roles and responsibilities of Town staff and various Town boards involved in the review of development applications.
Town Staff
A. Planning Director
1. General The Planning Director is the Town official primarily responsible for administering most provisions of this Ordinance. The Planning Director may delegate any review or decision-making authority to any professional-level staff in the Planning Department and may delegate clerical authority to any staff in the Planning Department. 2. Powers and Duties a. Review of Development Applications The Planning Director shall have the review, recommendation, and decision-making authority and responsibilities shown in Table 2.3, Summary Table of Development Review Procedures.
b. Other Powers and Duties
The Planning Director shall have the following additional powers and duties under this Ordinance:
(1) To conduct pre-application conferences (Section 2.4.2);
(2) To serve as Chair of the Development Review Committee and participate in the review of development applications as a member of the committee; (3) To establish requirements for the contents and format of development applications reviewed under this Ordinance, and a schedule for the submittal and review of such applications; (4) To develop, adopt, and amend an administrative manual that may specify detailed submittal and procedural requirements for various development applications (e.g.,
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Article 2: Administration Section 2.2. Review Authorities 2.2.1. Town Staff
application forms, checklists for plans and other documents to be submitted with applications, the content and scale/format of such plans and documents, schedules and timelines for application review steps), identify application fees (as established by the Town Council), summarize development review procedures and standards to facilitate the use and understanding of them, and include detailed specifications and illustrations identifying how this Ordinance’s standards for landscaping, public infrastructure, and other aspects of development may be met;
(5) To maintain the official Zoning Map and related materials;
(6) To serve as professional staff to the Planning and Zoning Board and Town Council;
(7) To assist in enforcing this Ordinance in accordance with Article 10: Enforcement;
(8) To interpret the provisions of this Ordinance in accordance with the standards in Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions; (9) To provide expertise and technical assistance to the Town ’s review and decisio n-making bodies on request; and (10) To maintain on file a record of all development applications reviewed under this Ordinance and make copies available on request. General The Town Engineer is the Town official primarily responsible for administering those provisions in this Ordinance pertaining to floodplain management, stormwater management and riparian buffers, and for reviewing detailed construction plans for compliance with infrastructure and various environmental regulations, for monitoring and inspecting authorized construction, and for reviewing completed public infrastructure proposed to acceptance by the Town. The Town Engineer may delegate any review or decision-making authority to any professional-level staff in the Engineering Department and may delegate clerical authority to any staff in the Engineering Department. 2. Powers and Duties a. Review of Development Applications The Town Engineer shall have the review, recommendation, and decision-making authority and responsibilities shown in Table 2.3, Summary Table of Development Review Procedures. 1.
B. Town Engineer
b. Other Powers and Duties
The Town Engineer shall have the following additional powers and duties under this Ordinance:
(1) To participate in pre-application conferences (Section 2.4.2);
(2) To serve as Vice-Chair of the Development Review Committee and participate in the review of development applications as a member of the committee; (3) To assist the Planning Director in establishing requirements for the contents and format of development applications reviewed under this Ordinance, with prime responsibility for establishing requirements for stormwater and riparian buffer applications; (4) To assist the Planning Director in developing and maintaining an administrative manual, with prime responsibility for developing and maintaining those parts of the administrative manual related to stormwater, riparian buffer, and construction plan applications and standards;
(5) To assist in enforcing this Ordinance in accordance with Article 10: Enforcement;
Morrisville, NC
February 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 2-2
Article 2: Administration Section 2.2. Review Authorities 2.2.1. Town Staff
(6) To interpret the provisions of this Ordinance in accordance with the standards in Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions; and (7) To provide expertise and technical assistance to the Town ’s review and decision -making bodies on request.
(Ord. No. 2014-051, 11/10/2014)
C. Building Official
General The Building Official is the Town official responsible for reviewing building plans for compliance with the Building Code, including review and deciding applications for a Building Permit (2.5.13) and a Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy (Section 2.5.14).
Powers and Duties
In addition to the powers authorized by the Building Code, the Building Official shall have the following powers and duties under this Ordinance: a. To participate in the review of development applications as a member of the Development Review Committee; b. To assist the Planning Director in establishing requirements for the contents and format of development applications reviewed under this Ordinance, on request; c. To assist the Planning Director in developing and maintaining an administrative manual, on request;
d. To assist in enforcing this Ordinance in accordance with Article 10: Enforcement; and
e. To provide expertise and technical assistance to the Town ’s review and decision -making bodies on request.
D. Development Review Committee
General The Development Review Committee (DRC) is an advisory group of Town staff members and outside agencies (as necessary) who meet to review and comment on major development applications and discuss other matters related to the Town ’s review and management of development.
Powers and Duties
a. Review of Development Applications
The Development Review Committee shall have the review authority and responsibilities shown in Table 2.3, Summary of Development Review Procedures.
b. Other Powers and Duties
The Development Review Committee shall have the following additional powers and duties under this Ordinance: (1) To assist the Planning Director in developing and maintaining an administrative manual, on request; (2) To provide expertise and technical assistance to the Town ’s review and decision -making bodies on request; and
(3) To review and comment on proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan.
Morrisville, NC
February 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 2-3
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