Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - July 2021.1

Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.4. Temporary Uses and Structures 4.4.5. Temporary Use-Specific Standards

remove all waste and trash associated with their truck at the end of each day. The operator shall keep all areas within five feet of the truck clean of grease, trash, paper, cups, or cans associated with the vending operation. No liquid waste or grease is to be disposed in tree pits, storm drains, or onto the sidewalks, streets, or other public space. Under no circumstances shall grease be released or disposed of into the Town of Cary’s sanitary sewer system. o. All equipment required for the operation shall be contained within, attached to, or located within three feet of the food truck and all food preparation, storage, and sales/distribution shall be in compliance with all applicable County, State, and federal sanitary regulations. p. Approval shall be obtained from the property owner for any lot proposed to accommodate one or more food truck businesses. If at any time evidence is provided that the food truck business is not in compliance with these regulations (such as those limiting the number of food trucks allowed on the lot, outdoor seating, or hours of operation), the property owner and/or food truck may be held responsible for the violation. q. The vendor shall provide evidence of having obtained a County Permit (e.g. Wake County Commissary Form), a NC Sales and Use Certificate for collecting and paying the proper sales taxes and prepared meals taxes, and a means for the disposal of grease within an approved grease disposal facility as part of their food truck application. All required Town, County, and State permits and licenses shall be clearly displayed on the food truck. r. If at any time the County revokes or suspends any issued permit, the Town approval of the food truck permit shall be immediately revoked or suspended. Mobile classrooms are allowed on the site of an existing school or place of worship, subject to the following standards: a. Mobile classrooms shall be used only as temporary expansion of classroom space pending implementation of definite plans for the permanent expansion of classroom space or alternative means of meeting growing classroom needs. b. Mobile classrooms shall not be placed within existing required landscaping or perimeter or streetyard buffer areas, or areas designated on approved development plans for future landscaping, perimeter and streetyard buffers, open space, or vehicular access. c. All permits required by applicable building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical codes shall be obtained before placement of the mobile classroom on the site. d. There shall be plan in place for the rapid evacuation of the mobile classrooms in case of severe weather or other natural or man-made disaster. Goods may be displayed and sold on a temporary basis, without establishing a permanent place of business, subject to the following standards: a. The property contains an area not actively used that will support the proposed temporary sale of products without encroaching into or creating a negative impact on existing vegetated areas, open space, landscaping, traffic movements, or parking-space availability. Outdoor Sales, Seasonal Garage or Yard Sale a. No garage or yard sale shall occur for longer than three days. b. No more than two garage or yard sales may be conducted on an individual site in any calendar year. Mobile Classrooms

(Ord. No. 2014-022, 06/24/2014; Ord. No. 2015-002, 04/29/2015; Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016)




Morrisville, NC

February 1, 2021

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 4-54

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