Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - July 2021

Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.2. Principal Uses 4.2.4. Principal Use Table

3. Use Types Use Types identify specific principal land uses whose characteristics are considered to fall within the various use categories. For example, bars, lounges, brewpubs, and restaurants are use types within the Eating and Drinking Use Category. Each use type is defined in Section 11.5, Terms and Uses Defined. While the Residential and Institutional use classifications tend to include relatively specific and well – defined use types, the Commercial and Industrial use classifications tend to include broader uses types, reflecting the wider range and ever-growing variety of commercial and industrial uses existing in the community. B. Classifying principal uses in this manner provides a systematic basis for determining whether a particular land use not expressly listed should be considered a form or example of a listed principal use, and for addressing future additions to the Principal Use Tables. See Section 11.3, Use Classifications and Interpretation, for a description of the use classification system and procedures for using it to interpret unlisted uses. The Principal Use Table uses the following abbreviations to designate whether and how a principal use is allowed in a particular zoning district: P A “P” under a base zoning district column indicates that the use is allowable as a principal use in the district without a permit or with Site Plan Approval in accordance with Section 2.5.7, Site Plan Approval, subject to any referenced use-specific standards and all other applicable regulations of this Ordinance. S An “S” under a base zoning district column indicates that the use is allowable as a principal use in the district only on approval of a Special Use Permit in accordance with Section 2.5.5, Special Use Permit, and subject to any referenced use-specific standards and all other applicable regulations of this Ordinance. A An “A” under a planned development (PD) district column indicates that the use is allowable as a principal use in the district only if the PD Plan/Agreement approved for the district expressly identifies the use type as allowed, and subject to any referenced use-specific standards and all other applicable regulations of this Ordinance. A blank cell under a base or planned development zoning district column indicates that the use is prohibited as a principal use in the district. X An “X” under an overlay district column indicates that the use is prohibited as a principal use in the overlay district, irrespective of whether it is allowed by the underlying base district. This designation applies only to overlay zoning districts. Reference to Use-Specific Standards A particular use category or use type allowable as a principal use in a zoning district may be subject to additional standards that are specific to the particular use. The applicability of such use- specific standards is noted in the last column of the Prin cipal Use Table (“Use - Specific Standards”) through a reference to standards in Section 4.2.5, Principal Use-Specific Standards. B. Multiple Principal Uses A development may include a single principal use with one or more accessory uses that are customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use (e.g., home occupation as accessory to a dwelling, or administrative offices as accessory to a school, retail sales, or manufacturing use). A development may also include multiple principal uses, none of which is necessarily customarily incidental or subordinate to another principal use (e.g., a place of worship combined with a school, a gas station combined with a convenience store, restaurant, or automotive repair use, or a flex building housing retail, industrial service, and warehousing tenants). A development with multiple principal uses shall include only those principal uses designated in the use tables as allowed in the applicable zoning district, and each principal use shall be subject to any use-specific standards applicable to the use. 2. 4.2.4. Principal Use Table A. Structure of Principal Use Table 1. Designation of Uses

Morrisville, NC

February 1, 2021

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 4-2

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