Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - July 2021
Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.2. Principal Uses 4.2.5. Principal Use-Specific Standards
(2) Telecommunication Tower Design and Construction
New telecommunication towers shall be engineered and constructed as follows:
a. All towers up to 120 feet in height shall accommodate no less than three antenna arrays. b. All towers between 120 feet one-inch and 140 feet shall accommodate no less than four antenna arrays. c. All towers greater than 140 feet one-inch shall be engineered and constructed to accommodate at least five antenna arrays.
d. New non-concealed towers shall be limited to monopole type towers.
(3) Height
The height of new towers shall be limited as follows:
Residential Areas
New towers shall be limited to 100 feet or less in height.
Nonresidential Areas
New towers shall be limited to 130 feet or less in height.
(4) Breakpoint technology
New towers shall be designed using breakpoint technology. Certification by a registered professional engineer licensed by the State of North Carolina of the breakpoint design and the design’s fall radius must be provided together with the other information required herein from an applicant.
(5) Setbacks
Setbacks shall equal the height of the designed breakpoint of new tower. For example, if the designed breakpoint equals ninety feet, the new tower then requires a 90-foot setback on all sides. Setbacks are measured as follows:
a. From the property line(s) to the vertical centerline of the proposed tower.
b. The equipment compound area fence shall be subject to the underlying zoning district setbacks. c. When adjacent to railroad right-of-way, the underlying zoning district setbacks shall prevail.
(6) Equipment Compounds
The fenced in compounds shall not be used for the storage of any excess equipment or hazardous materials. Outdoor storage yards shall be prohibited within an equipment compound.
(7) Equipment Cabinets and Shelters
Cabinets and shelters shall not be visible from pedestrian and vehicular right-of-way views. Cabinets and shelters may be provided within the principal building, behind a screen on a rooftop, or on the ground within the fenced-in and screened equipment compound.
(8) Fencing
All equipment compounds shall be enclosed with an opaque black vinyl-coated fence with an entrance gate. The fence shall be a minimum of six feet in height.
Morrisville, NC
February 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 4-20
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