Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - July 2021

Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.3. Accessory Uses and Structures 4.3.4. Accessory Use/Structure Table

1. Comply with Section 2.5.24.B, Right-of-Way Encroachment Agreement Approval Procedure; 2.

Be located in right-of-way maintained by either a Home Owners Association or a Property Owners Association; Have expressed written support from either the Home Owners Association or the Property Owners Association;



Be a minimum of five feet from the back of curb on all sides except the front and rear of a linear median located on a divided street. (See Figure 4.3.3.C: Distance from back of curb.)

Figure 4.3.3.C: Distance from back of curb.

5. Prohibit pedestrian access unless the proposed structure is located in the right-of-way of a main local street classified accessway 6. Be decorative and aesthetically consistent with the adjoining property; and 7. Be maintained at a condition comparable to the original installation or construction.

(Ord. No. 2014-022, 06/24/2014; Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016)

Accessory Use/Structure Table


A. Structure of Accessory Use/Structure Table

1. Organization of Accessory Uses and Structures

Table 4.3.4, Accessory Use/Structure Table, lists accessory uses and structures alphabetically.


Designation of Uses and Structures

Table 4.3.4, Accessory Use/Structure Table, uses the following abbreviations to designate whether and how an accessory use or structure is allowed in a particular zoning district: P A “P” under a base zoning district column indicates that the use or structure is allowable as an accessory use or structure in the district as exempt from Site Plan Approval or with Site Plan Approval in accordance with Section 2.5.7, Site Plan Approval, subject to Section 4.3.3, General Standards for All Accessory Uses and Structures, any referenced use-specific standards, and all other applicable regulations of this Ordinance. A An “A” under a planned development (PD) district column indicates that the use or structure is allowable as an accessory use or structure in the district, subject to Section 4.3.3, General Standards for All Accessory Uses and Structures, any referenced use-specific standards, and all other applicable regulations of this Ordinance — unless the PD Plan/Agreement approved for the district expressly identifies the use or structure as prohibited. A blank cell under a zoning district column indicates that the use or structure is prohibited as an accessory use or structure in the district. X An “X” under an overlay district column indicates that the use or structure is prohibited as an accessory use or structure in the overlay district, (in which prohibitions of uses allowed by underlying district is an exception) irrespective of whether it is allowed by the underlying district. Reference to Use-Specific Standards A particular use or structure allowable as an accessory use or structure in a zoning district may be subject to additional standards that are specific to the particular accessory use or structure. The applicability of such use-specific standards is noted in the last column of the Accessory Use/Structure


Morrisville, NC

February 1, 2021

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 4-35

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