Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - July 2021
Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.3. Accessory Uses and Structures 4.3.5. Accessory Use-Specific Standards
Cluster Box Unit (CBU)
Cluster Box Units shall:
a. Provide parking in accordance with Section 5.10.3.J, Minimum Number of Off-Street Vehicle Spaces for Accessory Uses/Structures.
b. Be located in common open space or on a private access easement.
c. Provide a separate pull off area to adequately stack vehicles in accordance with Section 5.8.6.I, Vehicle Stacking Space for Drive-Through, Pick-up/Drop-off, and Related Uses if:
(1) Located on a street with a posted speed limit greater than 25 mph; and
(2) No off-street parking spaces are required per Section 5.10.3.J, Minimum Number of Off- Street Vehicle Spaces for Accessory Uses/Structures.
d. Be accessible from a sidewalk.
(Ord. No. 2015-002, 04/29/2015; Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016)
Drive-Through Service Facility
a. The drive-through service facilities shall be designed in accordance with Section 5.8.6.I, Vehicle Stacking Space for Drive-Through, Pick-up/Drop-off, and Related Uses. b. The drive-through service facility shall be designed to avoid obstructions to pedestrian movement along sidewalks, through public use areas, or between parking spaces and building entrances. c. The design of any roof or awning over the drive-through service facilities and lanes, including any supporting columns and brackets, shall match the design and exterior building materials of the principal building. d. Drive-through facilities shall not be located adjacent to Morrisville-Carpenter Road or Chapel Hill Road. 10. Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station, Level 1 or 2 a. Except as otherwise provided in subsection b below or where accessory to a bungalow court, pocket neighborhood, single-family detached, duplex, single-family attached, or manufactured home dwelling, EV charging station spaces shall be reserved for the charging of electric vehicles only. Such reserved spaces shall be posted with signage identifying the spaces as reserved only for the charging of electric vehicles and; level of the charger (Level I or Level II). b. A required accessible parking space for persons with physical disabilities (see Section 5.10.3.I, Accessible Parking Spaces for Physically Disabled Persons) may also serve as an EV charging station space, provided the charging station and its controls meet ADA standards for accessibility to persons with physical disabilities. c. EV charging station equipment shall be located so as not to interfere with vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian access and circulation, or with required landscaping.
(Ord. No. 2015-002, 04/29/2015; Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016)
(Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016)
11. Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station, Level 3
a. In Commercial, Activity Center, Town Center, Industrial, and Planned Development districts, EV Level 3 charging stations are allowed as accessory uses to any permitted principal use. b. In Residential districts, EV Level 3 charging stations are allowed as accessory uses to: continuing care retirement communities; colleges or universities; government maintenance, storage, or distribution facilities; major utility facilities; country clubs and golf courses; and developments
Morrisville, NC
February 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 4-40
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