Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - July 2021
Article 2: Administration Section 2.2. Review Authorities 2.2.1. Town Staff
Membership and Appointment a. The Development Review Committee shall consist of the Planning Director and Town Engineer, plus representatives from each of the following Town departments typically involved with review of development in Morrisville, as designated by the head of the department:
(1) Planning Department;
(2) Engineering Department; and
(3) Fire Department.
b. On request by the Planning Director, representatives from other Town departments (e.g., Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department, Police Department, Public Works Department, Inspections Department) and from outside regulatory agencies, service providers, and organizations generally involved with development review or commonly affected by development in Morrisville (e.g., Cary Department of Public Works and Utilities, Wake County Department of Environmental Services, North Carolina Department of Transportation, Duke Energy/Progress Energy) may participate in committee meetings. 4. Chair and Vice-Chair The Planning Director shall serve as Chair of the Development Review Committee, and shall schedule meetings, coordinate committee activities, preside over committee meetings, prepare committee reports, and serve as liaison to the departments and agencies involved for clarification of issues and resolution of conflicts. The Town Engineer shall serve as Vice-Chair, and shall preside over board meetings in the absence of the Chair. 5. Meetings a. The Development Review Committee shall establish a regular meeting schedule and meet frequently enough to act as expeditiously as practicable on matters before it. The Chair may adjourn a regular meeting on determining that there are no agenda items for consideration, and may call a special or emergency meeting. b. The Chairman of the Development Review Committee may invite applicants to attend Development Review Committee meetings as necessary to answer questions from, or provide clarifications requested by, Development Review Committee members. c. Written comments of committee members shall be filed in the Town ’s permitting information database. Conflicts of Interest a. No member of the Development Review Committee, or other Town staff, shall make a final decision on an administrative decision of the outcome of that decision would have a direct, substantial, and readily identifiable financial impact on the staff member or if the applicant or other person subject to that decision is a person with whom the staff member has a close familial, business, or other associational relationship. 6.
E. Town Attorney
The Town Attorney is appointed by the Town Council and serves as its legal advisor, as well as legal advisor to Town staff in administering laws of the Town.
Powers and Duties
In addition to the authority and duties conferred by general law and the Town Council, the Town Attorney shall have the following powers and duties under this Ordinance:
Morrisville, NC
February 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 2-4
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