Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - July 2021

Article 2: Administration Section 2.4. Standard Review Procedures 2.4.5. Scheduling and Public Notice of Meetings

Table 2.4.5.B.1: Public Notice Requirements

Review Body Meeting

Application Type

Posted Notice

Mailed Notice

Published Notice

The Planning Director shall prepare notice of the meeting and ensure that it is published in a newspaper having general circulation in the town for 2 successive calendar weeks before the meeting, with the first notice published at least 10 days, and not more than 25 days, before the meeting. The Planning Director shall prepare notice of the meeting and ensure that it is published in a newspaper having general circulation in the town for 2 successive calendar weeks before the meeting, with the first notice published at least 10 days, and not more than 25 days, before the meeting. n/a

Town Council (public hearing)

Planning and Zoning Board (public comment session)

General Rezoning; Conditional Rezoning; Planned Development Rezoning; Site- Specific Development Plan; Development Agreement

The Planning Director shall prepare notice of the meeting and ensure it is mailed via first-class mail to the applicant and the owners of the application site and all properties located within 500 feet of the application site at least 10 days, and not more than 25 days, before the meeting date. (Also see subsection b(4) below.)

The Planning Director shall

prepare notice of the meeting and ensure it is prominently posted on the application site or on an adjacent street right-of-way at least 10 days and not more than 25 days before the meeting.

Town Council (public hearing)

Planning and Zoning Board (public comment session) Town Council (public hearing) Town Council (public hearing) Planning and Zoning Board (public hearing) Town Council (public hearing)

Conceptual Master Plan Approval



The Planning Director shall prepare notice of the meeting and ensure it is mailed via first-class mail to the applicant and the owners of the application site and all properties located within 500 feet of the application site at least 10 days, but not more than 25 days, before the meeting date. The Planning Director shall prepare notice of the meeting and mail it via first-class mail to the applicant, the owners of the application site and all properties abutting the site (if the appeal pertains to a particular site), and the applicant for the decision being appealed, at least 10 days, but not more than 25 days, before the meeting date.

The Planning Director shall prepare notice of the meeting and ensure that it is published in a newspaper having general circulation in the town at least 10 days before the meeting.

Special Use Permit


Alternative Equivalent Compliance


If the appeal pertains to a

particular site, the Planning Director shall prepare notice of the meeting and ensure it is prominently posted on the application site or on an adjacent street right-of-way at least 10 days before the meeting date.

Administrative Appeal

Planning and Zoning Board (public hearing)


Morrisville, NC

February 1, 2021

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 2-17

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