Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - July 2021
Article 2: Administration Section 2.5. Application-Specific Review Procedures 2.5.7. Site Plan Approval
Subdivision Exclusion Review Standards An application for a Determination of Subdivision Exclusion shall be approved only if the Planning Director determines that the proposed division of land falls within the one of the activities specially listed as excluded from the definition of “subdivision” in Section 11.5, Terms and Uses Defined.
(Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016)
Site Plan Approval
A. Applicability
1. The procedure and standards in this subsection apply to the review of applications for Site Plan Approval. Site Plan Approval shall be required for all development, unless exempted in accordance with subsection 3 below, before submittal of an application for Construction Plan Approval, unless the applicant elects to submit applications for both Site Plan Approval and Construction Plan Approval for concurrent review in accordance with subsection 2 below. 2. For developments requiring both Site Plan Approval and Construction Plan Approval, the applicant may submit an application for Construction Plan Approval concurrently with an application for Site Plan Approval. In such a case, Town staff shall review the more detailed Construction Plan Approval application concurrently with the Site Plan Approval application, but the Town Engineer shall not decide the Construction Plan Approval application until after the Site Plan Approval application is decided by either the Planning Director or the Town Council, as appropriate.
3. The following development is exempt from the requirements of this section:
a. Internal construction that does not increase gross floor area or structure height, increase the density or intensity of use, or affect parking or landscaping requirements;
b. Accessory apartments;
c. Nonhabitable detached accessory structures associated with and located on the same lot as single-family detached, attached, duplex, or manufactured home dwellings;
d. New manufactured home dwellings; and
e. Additions to single-family detached, attached, and duplex dwellings. 4. Site Plan Approval shall be required for any of the following developments unless exempted in accordance with subsection 3 above:
a. Development in accordance with a valid PD Plan/Agreement;
b. Development in accordance with a valid Conceptual Master Plan Approval;
c. Development in accordance with a valid Special Use Permit approval;
d. Development of any principal use designated in Table 4.2.4, Principal Use Table, as permitted with Site Plan Approval by Town staff;
Accessory uses and structures;
Temporary uses and structures; and
5. An application for Site Plan Approval may be submitted and reviewed concurrently with an application for Construction Plan Approval in accordance with subsection 2 above, or with applications for a Special Use Permit, Floodplain Management Permit, Stormwater Permit, Administrative Adjustment, Alternative Equivalent Compliance, or Site-Specific Development Plan Designation.
Morrisville, NC
February 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 2-43
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