Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - June 2017

Article 5: Development Standards Section 5.7. Perimeter and Streetyard Buffers 5.7.4. Buffer Type Standards

Table 5.7.4: Buffer Type Standards M INIMUM W IDTH AND S CREENING R EQUIREMENTS Also see general requirements for all buffer types at bottom of table. Buffer Type I (Streetyard) This streetyard buffer provides spacing and landscaping that moderately defines the boundary between the street corridor and the development.

Option 1

Shade trees: 3 per 100 linear feet [2]

 

Shade trees: 3 per 100 linear feet [2]

A solid fence or wall at least 3 feet high or solid evergreen hedge at least 3 feet high and 2 feet wide [1]

Option 2

Buffer Type J (Streetyard)

This streetyard buffer provides basic landscaping along the street corridor.

2 trees (shade or understory) per every 3 dwelling units in buildings fronting the street [2]

Option 1

Option 2

Shade trees: 3 per 100 linear feet [2]

Morrisville, NC

June 23, 2017

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 5-37

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