Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - June 2017

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.2. Exceptions and Variations

M OTOR F REIGHT T ERMINAL A business operation with the primary purpose of the transfer, storage, and distribution of goods and materials and the distribution of goods and materials to another location for the purpose of resale or use at the place distributed to. Involves use of tractor-trailer or tandem truck vehicles for the movement of goods. If the motor freight terminal contains no more than 15,000 square feet of floor area and has no more than seven loading areas, it is classified as a small motor freight terminal. All other motor freight terminals are classified as large motor freight terminals. N ET F ACADE A REA The total area of all facade walls, including parapet walls, on all elevations of the exterior of a building, minus the area of any windows, doors, and cornices.

N ET F ACADE M ATERIAL , N ON -P REDOMINANT Material used on 25 percent or less of the net facade area.

N ET F ACADE M ATERIAL , P REDOMINANT Material used on 75 percent or more of the net facade area.

N EW C ONSTRUCTION For purposes of floodplain management, structures for which the “start of construction” commenced on or after the original version of the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance and includes any subsequent improvements to such structures. N EW D EVELOPMENT Development of a site that was previously unimproved (with no existing principal structures or uses) or has been or will be cleared of structures. New development is distinguished from existing development and the expansion or alteration of existing development.

N ONCONFORMING E XTERIOR L IGHTING F IXTURE See Section 9.6, Nonconforming Exterior Lighting Fixtures.

N ONCONFORMING L OT See Section 9.2, Nonconforming Lots.

N ONCONFORMING S IGN See Section 9.5, Nonconforming Signs.

N ONCONFORMING S ITE F EATURE See Section 9.7, Nonconforming Site Features.

N ONCONFORMING S TRUCTURE See Section 9.4, Nonconforming Structures.

N ONCONFORMING U SE See Section 9.3, Nonconforming Uses.

N ONCONFORMITY A nonconforming lot, use, structure, sign, exterior lighting fixture, or site feature.

Morrisville, NC

June 23, 2017

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 11-53

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