Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - June 2023.1
Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.3. Illuminated Signs
O FFICE P ARK , M EDICAL / D ENTAL A development containing a number of separate buildings used for medical/dental offices that is designed, constructed, and operated on an integrated and coordinated basis. A medical/dental office park may include an urgent care facility or a hospital. O FFICE , M EDICAL /D ENTAL A facility operated by one or more physicians, dentists, chiropractors, or other licensed practitioners of the healing arts for the examination and treatment of persons solely on an outpatient basis. O FFICE , U TILITY A facility operated by any person, firm, corporation, municipal department, or firm authorized to furnish utilities such as, but not limited to, natural gas, electric, water, and telephone services. O PACITY A measurement indicating the degree of obscuration of light or visibility. The degree of a feature’s opacity is sometimes inversely referred to in term of its “see - through” capacity. O RDINARY M AINTENANCE AND R EPAIR The painting of a structure, the replacement of damaged or worn finishes or building materials, or other work done on a structure to correct any deterioration or decay of, or damage to, the structure, or any part thereof, and restore the structure as nearly as practical to its condition before the deterioration, decay, or damage. O UTDOOR D ISPLAY OF M ERCHANDISE The placement of products or materials for sale or rental outside the entrance of a retail or wholesale sales establishment. O UTDOOR E QUIPMENT P ERFORMANCE T ESTING F ACILITY Use of a property to conduct tests and evaluations of only lawn mowers, utility vehicles, and golf course equipment weighing less than 10,000 pounds. This use does not include the testing and evaluation of two-wheeled motor bikes or agricultural equipment. O UTDOOR S ALES , S EASONAL A temporary outdoor business enterprise that is conducted primarily outdoors and offers for retail sale items that are , by their nature, in particular demand during a relatively short peak season — including, but not limited to, Christmas trees, pumpkins, produce, flowers, and fireworks. O UTDOOR S EATING ( AS ACCESSORY TO AN EATING OR DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT ) The provision of on-site outdoor seating areas by an eating and drinking establishment where food or beverages are served for consumption. The accessory use also may include outdoor seating areas on public sidewalks in front of the establishment. O UTDOOR S PORTS F IELD An area designed for recreation (public or privately owned). These areas include, but are not limited to baseball/softball diamonds, soccer fields, football fields, golf courses, golf driving ranges, tennis courts, racetracks, and swimming pools. O RDINANCE A legislative enactment of the Town.
Morrisville, NC
June 13, 2023
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 11-58
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