Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - June 2023.1

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.3. Illuminated Signs

P RIVATE R ECREATION F ACILITY , I NDOOR A facility providing sports, game-playing, or similar amusements to the general public within a completely enclosed building or buildings. Indoor recreation facilities may be operated as nonprofit or for profit, and include, but are not limited to, indoor arenas, billiard parlors, bowling alleys, miniature golf courses, indoor tennis courts or swimming pools, roller or ice skating, or similar indoor uses. This use does not include facilities that are part of public parks or recreation facilities or public cultural facilities. P RIVATE R ECREATION F ACILITY , O UTDOOR A facility offering sports, , game-playing, or similar amusements to the general public, but not solely within a fully enclosed building. Outdoor recreation facilities may be operated for nonprofit or profit, and include, but are not limited to, outdoor tennis courts or swimming pools, miniature golf, batting cages, and driving ranges. This use does not include facilities that are part of public parks or recreation facilities or cultural facilities. P RODUCE S TAND ( AS ACCESSORY TO A FARM OF COMMUNITY GARDEN ) A building or structure used for the retail sales of fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs or plants grown on the same parcel of land where the stand is located. Such use may also involve the accessory sales of other products made from produce and plants grown on the premises, such as jams, jellies, pickles, sauces or baked goods.

P ROJECTION S IGN See Sign, Projection.

P ROMOTIONAL E VENTS S IGN See Sign, Promotional Events.

P UBLIC P ARK OR R ECREATION F ACILITY A natural or landscaped area, greenways, buildings, or structures such as restrooms, playground equipment, shelters, concession stands, maintenance buildings, and educational centers, provided by a unit of government to meet the active or the passive recreational needs of people.

P UBLIC R ECREATION A REA See Section 5.5.2.

P UBLIC S AFETY AND / OR N UISANCE For purposes of floodplain management, anything that is injurious to the safety or health of an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the customary manner, of any navigable lake, or river, bay, stream, canal, or basin.

P UBLIC S AFETY T RAINING S TRUCTURE A training prop that provides hands-on tactical training for police and fire professionals and students.

P UBLIC S QUARE OR P LAZA A community space generally open and readily accessible to the public and used by pedestrians for passive recreation and as an outdoor meeting or gathering place. Such uses may be provided with amenities such as shelters, seating, fountains, art, and landscaping. Q UORUM The minimum number of board members that must be present at a meeting for the board to conduct official business or take official action.

Morrisville, NC

June 13, 2023

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 11-63

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