Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - June 2023.1

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.3. Illuminated Signs

R OOMING H OUSE A building, or portion thereof, that contains three or more sleeping rooms used or designed to provide rental lodging for five to nine individuals for compensation, whether the compensation be paid directly or indirectly. Rooming houses may provide meals to guests.

R OOT F LARE The area where a tree begins to flare outward at ground level.

S ALVAGE Y ARD See “Junkyard or Recycling Facility.”

S ANDWICH B OARD S IGN See Sign, Sandwich Board.

S ATELLITE D ISH A round or parabolic antenna and its supporting structure used to send or receive radio or electromagnetic signals. S CHOOL , B USINESS OR V OCATIONAL A facility that provides special on-site teaching or training related to industrial, clerical, managerial, or artistic skills focused on specific trades or occupations. The use does not include schools offering a complete educational curriculum (e.g., colleges or universities, or elementary, middle, or high schools). S CHOOL , E LEMENTARY , M IDDLE , OR H IGH A public or private educational facility providing instruction in accordance with the compulsory education laws and regulations of the State of North Carolina. Such uses include classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, libraries, cafeterias, after school care, athletic facilities, dormitories, and other facilities that further the educational mission of the institution. Elementary schools generally provide instruction for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Middle schools generally provide instruction to students in sixth through eighth grade. High schools generally provide instruction for students in ninth through twelfth grade. S EASONAL E NERGY E FFICIENCY R ATIO (S.E.E.R.) A measure of the seasonal efficiency of an air conditioning cooling system. S.E.E.R. ratings increase as cooling system efficiency increases. Cooling systems sold in the United States are required to reach a S.E.E.R. rating of 12.

S EMI -C UTOFF A fixture light distribution where no more than five percent of a lamp’s light intensity is emitted at or above a horizontal plane drawn through the bottom of the fixture and no more than 20 percent of the lamp’s light intensity is emitted at or above an angle ten degrees below that horizontal plane, at all lateral angles around the fixture.

S ERVICE E STABLISHMENT Offices for agencies rendering specialized professional services such as legal, engineering, architectural, surveying, accounting services, real estate, banks, insurance, computer training, and similar services not involving retail trade or the maintenance of a stock of goods or other merchandise for sale. This use also includes businesses that provide services to customers at another location, such as a locksmith, exterminator, or contractor.

Morrisville, NC

June 13, 2023

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 11-67

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