Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance_June 2023.1

Article 2: Administration Section 2.5. Application-Specific Review Procedures 2.5.5. Master Sign Plan


Staff Review and Recommendations

The Planning Director shall review the application, allow revisions of the application, and prepare a staff report and recommendations in accordance with Section 2.4.4.


Scheduling and Public Notice of Meetings

The application shall be scheduled, and required public notices provided, for Planning and Zoning Board and Town Council meetings in accordance with Section 2.4.5.

5. Planning and Zoning Board Review and Recommendation

The Planning and Zoning Board shall review the application, hold a public information session and make recommendations in accordance with Section 2.4.6.


Town Council Review and Decision

The Town Council shall review the application, hold a standard public hearing, and decide the application in accordance with Section 2.4.7. The decision shall be one of the following:

a. Approve the application as submitted;

b. Approve the application subject to conditions;

Deny the application;


d. Remand the application back to the Planning Director or Planning and Zoning Board for further consideration. (This may require further public notice and additional review fees.)


Post-Decision Actions and Limitation

The post-decision actions and limitations in Section 2.4.8 shall apply to the application except as follows: a. Effect of Approval Master Sign Plan Approval authorizes the subsequent submittal of sign permit applications in accordance with Section 2.5.12 for review which issuance is necessary to undertake and install signage on an approved Master Plan Sign Plan.

b. Expiration of Approval

Master Sign Plan Approval shall expire if a sign permit application in reliance on the approval is not submitted within 2 years or in accordance with an approval phasing plan.

c. Minor Changes from Master Sign Plan Approval Allowed

Subsequent sign permit applications may incorporate minor changer from the Master Sign Plan Approval, without the need to amend the Master Sign Plan Approval in accordance with section 2.4.8.D, Modification or Amendment of Approval, where the Planning Director determines the changes:


Continue to comply with this Ordinance;


Are necessary to comply with conditions of approval; or

(C) Are consistent with the Master Sign Plan Approval. Consistency means that changes would not alter the total number, type, or size of signage permitted by the Master Sign Plan, but may include changes to signage design of location that do not alter

Morrisville, NC

June 13, 2023

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 2-34

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