Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance_June 2023.1
Article 2: Administration Section 2.5. Application-Specific Review Procedures 2.5.9. Construction Plan Approval
Post-Decision Actions
The post-decision actions and limitations in Section 2.4.8 shall apply to the application except as follows: a. Effect of Approval Construction Plan Approval allows the approval of any concurrently-reviewed applications for Floodplain Management Permit or Administrative Adjustment for the same development. It also authorizes submittal of an application for Building Permit for construction of approved buildings and structures, construction of approved site improvements, and other approved land disturbing activities. b. Expiration of Approval (1) Except of as otherwise provided in subsection (2) below, Construction Plan Approval shall automatically expire if the associated development application approval expires, is revoked, or otherwise becomes invalid. If there is no associated application, the Construction Plan Approval does not expire. (2) A Letter of Conditional Construction Plan Approval shall expire six months from the date of issuance. Minor Modifications Allowed (1) The applicant may request, and the Town Engineer may approve, minor deviations from the approved Construction Plan where the applicant demonstrates that such deviations: c. (D) Are necessitated by physical or construction difficulties, or by application of best engineering and management practices; and (E) Are consistent with the Construction Plan Approval and any prior Town Council approval on which the Construction Plan approval was based (e.g., Type 1 Subdivision Preliminary Plan Approval, or Site Plan Approval). (2) The request shall be in writing, include a detailed justification for the requested deviations, and be accompanied by the appropriate revised Construction Plan Approval sheets or bulleted drawings, as determined by the Town Engineer. (3) If the Town Engineer approves the requested deviations, the revised Construction Plan shall be modified to meet as-built submittal requirements for certifications and signatures. (4) Any change from the approved Construction Plan other than those authorized in subsection (1) above requires a new application for Construction Plan Approval. d. Inspections Town staff and agents may inspect sites undergoing development authorized by Construction Plan Approval to determine whether development activities conform to approved plans and whether adequate measures are in place to control off-site contamination and other adverse impacts from constructions activities. (A) Do not affect the overall development concept of the approved Construction Plan; (B) Do not impede or prevent construction of infrastructure serving either the development or region; (C) Will not result in substantially greater long-term maintenance costs for the Town;
Morrisville, NC
June 13, 2023
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 2-50
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