Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - May 2020
Article 3: ZoningDistricts Section 3.5. Town Center Districts 3.5.3. Main Street (MS) District
C. Mix of Uses 1.
Overall Mix of Uses
A mix of retail, office, institutional, live-work, and residential uses is desired in the Main Street District.
a. Retail uses shall be concentrated along the pedestrian “main street” (as required in Section 5.9.10.C.2), with residential or office units above to promote an active pedestrian environment. (See Figure 3.5.3.C.1: OverallMix of Uses in MS District.) b. Single-use residential buildings and live/work units are permitted on all streets except the pedestrian “main street.”
Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016
Retail Store Fronts
The incorporation of commercial uses such as retail shops and restaurants at the street level is strongly desired within the Main Street District to
Figure 3.5.3.C.1: Overall Mix of Uses in MS District.
promote an active environment for pedestrians and support residential and office uses located within the same building (on upper floors) and in the adjacent Town Center Residential district. If less than 50 percent of a structure’s ground level will be devoted to commercial space, such space shall be located along those facades adjacent to the required pedestrian “main street” and adjacent to Town Hall Drive. 3. Temporary Use of Store Fronts Although retail and restaurant uses are preferred to promote an active pedestrian environment at the street level, ground-level commercial spaces may be filled with office uses until such time as retail tenants are secured to fill the space as long as transparency is maintained.
Morrisville, NC
May 26, 2020
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 3-33
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