Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - May 2020

Article 2: Administration Section 2.4. StandardReview Procedures 2.4.1. General




This section describes the standard procedural steps and other rules that are generally applicable to all development applications reviewed under this Ordinance, unless otherwise expressly exempted or alternative procedures are specified in Section 2.5, Application-Specific Review Procedures. (See Figure 2.4.1: Standard Review Procedures.)

Pre-Application Conference


A. Purpose The purpose of a pre-application conference is to provide an opportunity for an applicant and Town staff to: review applicable submittal requirements, procedures, and schedules; discuss the scope, features, and potential impacts of the proposed development as they relate to the standards in this Ordinance; and identify primary contacts for the applicant and Town staff. B. When Required A pre-application conference between the applicant and Town staff is mandatory for a particular application type as shown in Table 2.3, Summary of Development ReviewProcedures. Apre-application conference is optional for all other application types. C. Procedure If a pre-application conference is held, whether it is mandatory or optional, it shall be scheduled and conducted in accordance with the following procedural provisions. 1. Request For applications for Construction Plan Approval, Stormwater Management Permit, or Stream Origin Determination, an applicant shall submit a request for a pre-application conference to the Town Engineer. For all other applications, the request shall be submitted to the Planning Director. 2. Scheduling On receiving a request for a pre-application conference, the Planning Director or Town Engineer, as appropriate, shall schedule the pre- application conference with appropriate Town staff members and notify the applicant of the time and place of the conference. 3. Required Information Submitted Prior to Conference

Standard Review Procedures

Pre-Application Conference (Sec. 2.4.2) )

Application Submittal, Acceptance, Revisions, and Withdrawal (Sec. 2.4.3)

Staff Review and Action (Sec. 2.4.4)

Scheduling and Public Notice of Meetings (Sec. 2.4.5)

Planning and Zoning Board Review and Recommendation (Sec. 2.4.6)

Board of Adjustment or Town Council Review and Decision (Sec. 2.4.7)

Figure 2.4.1

a. Text Amendments and Rezonings At least two business days before a scheduled pre-application conference for a Text Amendment or Rezoning application, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Director a written description of the nature and purpose of the amendment or rezoningand its consistency with the Comprehensive Plan.

Morrisville, NC

May 26, 2020

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 2-13

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