Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - Oct 2021 v2

Main Street Planned Development (MSPD) District


Main Street Planned Development (MSPD) District

A. Purpose

The Main Street Planned Development District is intended to the facilitate the development of a central gathering place within Morrisville’s Town Center that includes a mix of local retail, civic, office, institutional, restaurant, and residential uses in a compact, pedestrian- oriented setting. District regulations are intended to provide substantial design flexibility and appropriate transitions to, and mitigation of potential adverse impacts on, adjacent Town Center districts.

B. Intensity and Dimensional Standards

C. Use Standards

Min. District Gross Area (acres)

5 [1]

Uses allowed in the Main Street Planned Development District shall be established in the PD Plan/Agreement. Uses shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, other Town-adopted plans, and the purpose of the MSPD district, and shall comply with the use-specific standards in Article 4: Use Standards.

Max. Net Density (du/ac)

Max. Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Min. Net Lot Area (sf) Min. Lot Width (ft) Max. Lot Coverage (% of district area) Max. Structure Height (ft) Max. Individual Building Size (sf) Min. Setbacks (ft) Min. Setbacks from Abutting Residential Development or Zoning (ft)

To be established in PD Plan/Agreement (see Section 3.7.1.E.1)

D. Development Standards

The development standards in Article 5: Development Standards, shall apply to all development in MSPD Districts, but some development standards may be modified as part of the PD Plan/Agreement as indicated below if consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, other Town-adopted plans, and the purpose of the MSPD District. Standard Means of Modifying Standard Means of Modifying General Site Layout and Design (Sec. 5.2) PD Plan/Agreement Building Configuration and Design (Sec. 5.9) PD Plan/Agreement

Parking and Loading (Sec. 5.10) Utilities and Services (Sec. 5.11)

Alternative Parking Plan

Subdivision Blocks, Lots, and Reference Points (Sec. 5.3)

PD Plan/Agreement

PD Plan/Agreement

Alternative Landscaping Plan PD Plan/Agreement

Tree Protection (Sec. 5.4)

PD Plan/Agreement

Landscaping (Sec. 5.12)

Screening (Sec. 5.13)

Common Open Space and Public Recreation Area (Sec. 5.5) Floodplain Management (Sec. 5.6)

Modifications Prohibited

Fences and Walls (Sec. 5.14) Exterior Lighting (Sec. 5.15) Signage (Sec. Section 5.16)

PD Plan/Agreement PD Plan/Agreement

Modifications Prohibited

Modifications Prohibited

Perimeter and Streetyard Buffers (Sec. 5.7)

Alternative Landscaping Plan

Sustainable Development Practices (Sec. 5.17)


Access and Circulation (Sec. 5.8)

PD Plan/Agreement

E. Riparian and Stormwater Management Standards

The procedures and standards in Article 6: Riparian Buffers, and Article 7: Stormwater Management, shall apply to all development in MSPD Districts, and may not be modified, but the PD Plan/Agreement may designate the entire district or any part of the district, consistent with the phasing plan, as the site(s) for application of these procedures and standards. Notes: sf = square feet; ft = feet; du = dwelling unit; ac = acre

Morrisville, NC

October 1, 2021

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 3-55

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