Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - Oct 2021 v2
Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.4. Temporary Uses and Structures 4.4.5. Temporary Use-Specific Standards
e. At least one parking space shall be provided for every 300 square feet of gross floor area devoted to the sales office use. Accessible parking for persons with physical disabilities is required (see 5.10.3.I, Accessible Parking Spaces for Physically Disabled Persons). f. On termination of the temporary real estate sales/leasing use, the building or unit shall be converted to a permanent permitted use or removed.
Special Event
A special event permit shall be subject to the following standards:
a. A special event permit is obtained from the Town.
b. Adequate off-street parking and accessibility is provided.
c. The Fire Department and Police Department have determined that the site is accessible for public safety vehicles and equipment. d. The Inspections Department has determined that any existing or proposed permanent or temporary structures comply with applicable regulation of the State Building Code.
e. Adequate restroom facilities are provided.
f. Adjacent property owners are notified of the proposed event before its approval.
g. A special event cannot exceed a collective total of 20 days or four weekends (Saturday and Sunday) within any calendar year, except where the site is publicly-owned property and used for events sponsored by the Town for the enjoyment or enrichment of its citizens.
(Ord. No. 2014-051, 11/10/2014)
Stockpiling of Materials
The temporary stockpiling of materials is permitted subject to the following standards:
a. A stockpiling permit is obtained from the Town.
b. The stockpiled material shall not exceed 25 feet in height above the original natural grade.
c. The area of disturbance associated with the stockpiling shall be one half acre or less.
d. The footprint of the stockpiling area shall be located at least 25 feet from adjoining property lines.
e. The side slope of the stockpiled materials shall not exceed a 3:1 ratio.
f. Stockpiled materials shall be limited to dirt, fill, and/or gravel.
g. Stockpiled materials shall be seeded or covered with tarps or mulch. Tarps shall be keyed in at the top of the slope to keep water from running underneath the plastic.
h. All stockpiled materials shall be removed within 90 days after approval of the use.
(Ord. No. 2014-022, 06/24/2014; Ord. No. 2014-051, 11/10/2014)
Street Vendor
a. Street vendors shall obtain a street vendor permit from the Town.
b. Carts used for street vending shall be on wheels, be no longer six feet, and be no higher than five feet (excluding umbrellas or transparent enclosures). c. No signage for street vendors shall be allowed other than signs permanently attached to the cart. d. Encroachment permits and liability insurance shall be required to operate within any Town or State right-of-way.
Morrisville, NC
October 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 4-56
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