Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - Oct 2021 v2
Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.4. Temporary Uses and Structures 4.4.5. Temporary Use-Specific Standards
care structure requires assistance with two or more activities of daily living (i.e., bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, ambulation or locomotion, transferring, toileting, and eating).
e. Only one temporary health care structure shall be allowed on the lot.
f. The structure shall be connected to the water, sewer, and electric utilities serving the principal single-family dwelling on the lot and shall comply with all applicable local and State regulations. g. No signage advertising or otherwise promoting the existence of the structure shall be allowed on the exterior of the structure or elsewhere on the property. h. The caregiver shall provide the Planning Director evidence of compliance with these standards on an annual basis for as long as the temporary health care structure remains on the lot, and shall allow the Planning Director to inspect the structure for compliance with these standards at reasonable times convenient to the caregiver. i. The structure shall be removed from the lot within 60 days after the time the mentally or physically impaired person is no longer receiving, or is no longer in need of, the required assistance. 12. Temporary Office Structure a. A temporary office structure is allowed on a site where an existing office space is being renovated or up-fitted pursuant to an issued Building Permit or on property within the Town that is owned by the holder or the Building Permit. b. Except as otherwise provided in subsection c below, the temporary office structure shall comply with all applicable provision of this Ordinance except for Section 5.7, Perimeter and Streetyard Buffers, Section 5.9, Building Configuration and Design, and those parts of Section 5.12, Landscaping, other than Section 5.12.5, Foundation Plantings. e. No temporary office structure shall be erected where it will adversely affect any means of exit. f. The temporary office structure shall be located at least ten feet from another building or structure. g. Public improvements shall include accessible parking and an accessible route from the parking area to the temporary office structure. h. The temporary office structure shall have a continuous curtain wall, unpierced except for required ventilation or access, installed under the temporary office structure. j. A temporary office structure use may be allowed for up to 12 months from the date of approval. At the end of this period, the temporary office structures shall be removed from the site and the site shall be restored to its former condition with the exception of any permanent public improvements added, or stabilized with seed or grass. The Planning Director may, for good cause shown, approve written requests for six-month extensions of this period in response, provided the request is submitted to the Planning Director at least 30 days before expiration of the period or last extension. k. The applicant shall post a performance guarantee equal to 150 percent of the estimated cost of removing the temporary office structure and restoring or stabilizing the site as required, which shall be prepared and sealed by a licensed engineer or other licensed professional i. The temporary office structure must provide restroom facilities and handicap accessibility. c. Parking areas shall have an all-weather surface. d. Structure height shall be limited to one story.
(Ord. No. 2015-002, 04/29/2015)
Morrisville, NC
October 1, 2021
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 4-58
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