Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - October 2019

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.2. Exceptions and Variations

S ETBACK The shortest horizontal distance from a lot line of a lot to the nearest point of a structure on the lot.

S ETBACK L INE A line delineating the minimum front, corner side, side, or rear yard setback applicable to a lot—as measured from, and running parallel to, the associated front, corner side, side, or rear lot line. S ETBACK , C ORNER S IDE The shortest horizontal distance from the corner side lot line of a lot to the nearest point of a principal structure on the lot. S ETBACK , F RONT Y ARD The shortest horizontal distance from the front lot line of a lot to the nearest point of a principal structure on the lot. S ETBACK , I NTERIOR S IDE Y ARD The shortest horizontal distance from the side lot line of a lot to the nearest point of a principal structure on the lot. S ETBACK , R EAR Y ARD The shortest horizontal distance from the rear lot line of a lot to the nearest point of a principal structure on the lot. S ETBACK , R EQUIRED C ORNER S IDE Y ARD All land area between the corner side lot line and the corner side setback line that lies between the lot’s front setback area and its rear lot line. S ETBACK , R EQUIRED F RONT Y ARD All land area between the front lot line and the front setback line that lies between the lot’s side lot lines, or in the case of a corner lot, between a side lot line and the opposite corner side lot line. S ETBACK , R EQUIRED R EAR Y ARD All land area between the rear lot line and the rear setback line that lies between the lot’s interior side lot lines, or in the case of a corner lot, between an interior side lot line and the opposite street side lot line. S ETBACK , R EQUIRED S IDE Y ARD All land area between a side lot line and the side setback line that lies between the lot’s front setback area and its rear setback area.

S HOEBOX F IXTURE A rectangular shaped fixture that has a flat glass lens on the bottom to emit light.

S HOPPING C ENTER , M AJOR A building or a group of connected or freestanding buildings under single or multiple ownership that contains retail goods and service uses serving the needs of a neighborhood, community, and regional customer base. A major shopping center is designed, constructed, and operated on an integral and coordinated basis, with common parking, pedestrian movement, and ingress and egress. It may be located on a site larger than 15 acre and has at least one tenant with more than 60,000 square feet of floor area.

Morrisville, NC

October 1, 2019

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 11-65

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