Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - October 2019

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.2. Exceptions and Variations

S IGN , P ROJECTION F ASCIA A sign attached to and projecting out from a building face or wall, generally at a right angle to the building.

S IGN , P ROMOTIONAL E VENT A sign identifying a grand opening, parade, festival, fund drive, holidays, fairs, carnivals, special sales, or similar events. Special event signs are only permitted after approval by the Town. S IGN , R EAL E STATE Any sign announcing the sale, rental, or lease of a lot, tract of land, one or more structures, or a portion thereof, upon which the sign is located. S IGN , S ANDWICH B OARD A movable ground sign, not secured or attached to the surface or ground upon which it is located, that constructed in such a manner as to form and “A” or tent-like shape.

S IGN , T EMPORARY A sign that can be used only for a designated period of time.

S IGN , T RAFFIC A sign indicating federal, state, or Town regulations for automobile, truck, bicycle, and pedestrian movement. S IGN , W ALL -M OUNTED F ASCIA A sign attached to a vertical wall and confined to the area between the final grade elevation and the eaves of a building structure.

S ITE P LAN A PPROVAL , M AJOR See Section 2.5.7.

S ITE P LAN A PPROVAL , M INOR See Section 2.5.7.

S ITE -S PECIFIC D EVELOPMENT P LAN A plan submitted to the Town as part of an application for a Special Use Permit or Site Plan Approval in accordance with the provisions of N.C.G.S. 160A-385.1 for local designation of site-specific development plans for the purposes of establishing vesting.


S KETCH P LAN A plan that depicts the general configuration and relationship of the principal elements of the proposed development such as uses, intensity, access and circulation, and open space.

October 1, 2019

Morrisville, NC

Page 11-68

Unified Development Ordinance

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