Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - October 2019

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.2. Exceptions and Variations

T ELECOMMUNICATION , S ATELLITE E ARTH S TATION A single or group of parabolic or dish antennas mounted to a support device that may be a pole or truss assembly attached to a foundation in the ground, or in some other configuration, including the associated separate equipment cabinets necessary for the transmission or reception of wireless communications signals with satellites. T ELECOMMUNICATION , S TRUCTURAL C APACITY Up to and not exceeding one hundred percent (100%) of the designed loading and stress capability of the telecommunication tower or support structure. T ELECOMMUNICATION , T OWER B ASE The foundation, usually concrete, on which the tower and other support equipment are situated. For measurement calculations, the tower base is that point on the foundation reached by dropping a perpendicular from the geometric center of the tower. T ELECOMMUNICATION , T OWER H EIGHT When referring to a tower or support structure, the vertical distance measured from the pre-existing grade level to the highest point of the tower, including any antenna, lighting, lightning rod or other affixed equipment. T ELECOMMUNICATION , U TILITY D ISTRIBUTION P OLE A structure that is designed for and used to carry lines, cables, or wires for telephone, cable television, electricity, or to provide lighting. T ELECOMMUNICATION , T RANSMISSION T OWER S TRUCTURE An electrical transmission structure that is designed for and used to carry high voltage overhead power lines. The term shall not include any utility distribution pole. T ELECOMMUNICATION , W IRELESS S UPPORT S TRUCTURE A new or existing structure, such as a monopole, lattice, or guyed tower that is designed to support or capable of supporting wireless facilities. A utility distribution pole or transmission tower structure is not a wireless support structure. T ELECOMMUNICATION , W IRELESS T ELECOMMUNICATION F ACILITIES M ASTER P LAN (“P LAN ”) A plan developed for the Town of Morrisville to balance the goals of providing good cell phone service with minimizing impacts from telecommunication facilities on neighborhoods and the community. This plan works to achieve this balance by planning for well ‐ sited, well ‐ designed, and inconspicuous telecommunication facilities that fit within the community. This plan creates an illustrative planning tool to aid decision makers and staff in this work. The Master Plan includes the following: • An analysis of existing telecommunication facilities locations, approximate coverage areas, and an analysis of current network deployment patterns in the Morrisville area to identify areas with less than desirable coverage; • An engineering analysis of potential coverage areas in Morrisville based on the existing antenna locations, assumptions regarding height, along with other network and planning design criteria; • An analysis of reasonably projected telecommunication facilities growth in Morrisville over the next 10 years, and recommendations for managing the development of infrastructure with an emphasis on minimizing the total number of telecommunication facilities; • Identification of town-owned property as potential sites for future telecommunication facilities.

October 1, 2019

Morrisville, NC

Page 11-80

Unified Development Ordinance

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