Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - October 2021

Article 5: Development Standards Section 5.4. Tree Protection 5.4.1. Purpose

D. Subdivision Survey Accuracy

1. Angular error of closure shall not exceed 20 seconds times the square foot of the number of angles turned. 2. Linear error of closure shall not exceed one foot per 10,000 feet of perimeter of the lot of land (1:10,000), except for commercial and industrial subdivisions, where linear error closure shall not exceed one foot per fifteen thousand 15,000 feet of perimeter (1:15,000).




The purpose of this section is to establish minimum standards to ensure that development and land-disturbing activities do not result in the unnecessary removal or damage of tree canopy and mature trees that contribute to the character and quality of life in Morrisville by: A. Preserving and enhancing the visual and aesthetic qualities of the Town; B. Reducing glare, dust, heat, and noise; C. Maintaining and enhancing property values; D. Increasing slope stability and controlling erosion and sedimentation; E. Reducing stormwater runoff into waterways and preserving and enhancing water quality; F. Preserving and enhancing air quality; G. Conserving wildlife habitat; and H. Conserving energy by moderating temperatures and reducing heating and cooling demands. A. General The standards in this section shall apply to all new development subject to Planned Development Rezoning (Section 2.5.3), Conceptual Master Plan Approval (Section 2.5.4), Special Use Permit (Section 2.5.5), or Site Plan Approval (Section 2.5.7) unless such new development is expressly exempted in accordance with subsection B below. B. Exemptions 5.4.2. Applicability 1. The removal or replacement of trees associated with the development of a bungalow court, pocket neighborhood, single-family detached, duplex, or manufactured home dwelling, or a subdivision that creates lots for such dwellings; 2. The removal or replacement of trees associated with an existing single-family detached, duplex, or manufactured home dwelling; 3. The removal or replacement of trees associated with development in a Main Street or Transit- Oriented Development zoning district; The following activities are exempt from the standards of this section:


The removal of dead or naturally-fallen trees;

5. The removal of trees that pose an imminent threat of falling onto an existing structure, are so close to an existing structure as to endanger the stability of the structure, or otherwise create on-going safety problems for existing development;

Morrisville, NC

October 1, 2021

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 5-4

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