Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance – September 2018

Article 7: Stormwater Management Section 7.6. Illicit Discharges and Connections 7.6.5. Enforcement

demand for payment is made, the matter shall be referred to the town attorney for possible institution of a civil action in the name of the town for recovering the penalty. Criminal Penalties Any person who knowingly or willfully violates any provision of this article or any order duly adopted or issued pursuant to this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.00 or imprisonment for not longer than 30 days. Each violation shall be a separate offense. (Ord. No. 2014-006, 05/27/2014)

Morrisville, NC

September 25, 2018

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 7-21

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